White House insiders admit in a recent report at the Telegraph that Joe Biden is too old to travel.”

This comes after years of his bumbling, stumbling, lost thoughts and blank stares.

Joe Biden will skip the Coronation of King Charles in April. THe White House is limiting his international travel.

This should really come to a surprise to no one. The guy is completely lost as his policy makers destroy the country.

Via GraphicW.

Via The Telegraph via MSN:

Sources have pointed out he is scheduled to visit Northern Ireland for an event later this month, but those close to the President, 80, are also keen to restrict his international movements to avoid him becoming too tired to perform his domestic duties.

Mr Biden is shortly expected to announce his intention to stand again in the 2024 presidential race and is also travelling to the G7 summit in Japan next month.

A source close to discussions on his attendance of the Coronation said: “The guy is 80. They space out his big bursts of activity quite considerably.

The Telegraph then added this blatant lie about Trump.

“They did that too with Trump, and he was younger. When Biden does something like the State of the Union address, we didn’t see much from him in the following 48 hours. They don’t like to push him around the world too much.”

President Trump was the most energetic US President in memory. No one in history out-campaigned this man. And he was known for the minimal hours of sleep he took each night.

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