INDIANAPOLIS – A pervasive text message scam involving unpaid tolls drew a response this week from the Indiana Department of Transportation.

The scam has been going around for months, prompting many FOX59/CBS4 viewers to ask us about it. Several staff members have also received the suspicious messages.

The texts claim to come from a toll provider and inform people they’re receiving a “final notice” about an unpaid toll or are “overdue” on a toll payment. The messages threaten additional fines and late fees, suspension of driving privileges, vehicle impoundment or other legal action. They usually include a payment link.

The messages originate from unknown phone numbers or random email addresses.

Example of a toll scam text message–at least it’s filled with “sunshine and positive energy”

The Indiana Department of Transportation said it doesn’t text drivers about unpaid or overdue tolls.

“INDOT does not and will not notify drivers of unpaid tolls via text message,” said Natalie Garrett, strategic communications director for INDOT. “We urge members of the public to exercise extreme caution before opening suspicious links. The best thing to do is delete these messages.”

The messages have been a problem for about a year now. The FBI issued a warning last April about messages purporting to represent toll collection services. At the time, the agency cited more than 2,000 complaints about the fraudulent texts.

The FBI referred to it as a “smishing” scam designed to get people to share private or sensitive information. “Smishing” is a combination of “SMS” (short message service) and “phishing” (online scams aimed at getting someone to turn over sensitive information).

If you get one of the messages, ignore it and don’t click on the link under any circumstances. You can report it to the Internet Crime Complaint Center and delete it.

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