INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Comic and Pop Culture Convention may be coming to an end, but this is not without the convention seeing a likely record-breaking year with attendance.

The Indiana Comic Convention is celebrating its 12th year and is expected to break last year’s record-breaking attendance of 45,000 fans. 

Some highlights include celebrity meet-and-greets with stars like Rainn Wilson from The Office and William Shatner from Star Trek, exclusive panel programming, a cosplay contest and more. 

Chris Provost, the event emcee, says the best part about the convention year after year is all of the new people you meet.

“It’s the people,” Provost said. “Indiana, you have the greatest people in the world. Coming down here, it’s this judgment-free zone. No matter what you like, it’s going to be represented here. The energy is always so high. It’s so much fun! I look forward to this weekend every single year!”

Organizers say this was one of the best years yet, and they are looking forward to what is to come in the future. To learn more about this year’s convention, click here.

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