SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The kennels at the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society are full of furry friends looking for homes. Taran McLain, a humane officer, says that the high numbers are normal for this time of year.

“A lot of it has to do with the warmer weather. People are outside more, and their dogs are outside more. Cats are outside more, especially with the winds that we had a couple days ago that can break down fences or blow open doors and stuff like that,” said McLain.

Although some of the dogs came from a home, many are owner-surrendered.

“And we schedule all of our surrenders, but we do have our night receiving, which is supposed to be only for strays. But a lot of people still do put surrenders in there,” said McLain.

Another portion of the dogs were abandoned.

“And there is the potential that they’re just dumping them off in the road, too. So, someone might not be looking for them, but they could have been owned at some point in time,” said McLain.

McLain says they have had success in returning many of the dogs who do have homes. Of the 18, ten of them have been returned safely. As for the remaining dogs, many are ready to be adopted.

“You can come in anytime after 11 a.m. when we’re open and just stop in at the front desk. We have paper applications at the table out here that you fill out. They’ll just kind of go over and kind of matchmaking to the best animal for you. So if you have, like, young kids, they’ll find dogs that are better suited for young kids, and they’re really good at coaching you through that process,” said McLain.

If you’re unable to adopt, fostering is another way to help.

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