As The Gateway Pundit reported numerous times, the Democrats use non-profits as vehicles to push their radical anti-American ideas.  We see this all the time.

Media Matters, and Entities Connected to George Soros, the Clintons and Obama Attacking Elon Musk Despite Their Own Glaring ‘Non-Profit’ Issues

In response to the Supreme Court’s draft leak that would overturn Roe V. Wade, nationwide “Bans Off Our Bodies” protests occurred at hundreds of locations attended by tens of thousands. Many of the signs carried by protestors were professionally printed around central themes, i.e., ‘Abortion is Health Care’.

The government media complex portrays the protests as organic and spontaneous. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nationwide demonstrations over the years, like the current Roe V. Wade, are highly sophisticated requiring a high level of coordination of individuals and progressive organizations.

TRENDING: LOW BLOW: Sean Hannity Smears Peaceful Trump Supporters Marching Down the Street on Jan. 6 in Hit Piece on Republican Kathy Barnette (VIDEO)

Digital Battering Ram

The Action Network, a 501(c)(4) non-profit, is an online resource platform providing powerful digital tools to organize activists, mobilize supporters, create event campaigns, crowdfunding, and petitions for Progressive causes. The Network facilitated high-profile events like the “Women’s March on Washington” against Trump (650 protests), the Keystone XL pipeline protests, and the BLM insurrection. The Black Lives Matter Global Network continues to rely on the Network to communicate its actions and to fundraise for its PAC fund even though it has temporarily suspended donation solicitations.

The Network doesn’t restrict extreme radical organizations that can access its network. A case in point is the Communist Party USA.

The Network is led by Trustees’ Liz Shuler, AFL-CIO President, Brian Young, the former digital director for Senator John Kerry, and Mark Fleischman, SECIU union organizer. The organization is partnered with the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Party’s fundraiser and money transmitter ActBlue.

The Network supports Progressive activists and far-left non-profits (funded by dark money) with digital tools for content delivery and technical support. The advocacy toolset includes:

  • Mobile
  • Mass Email marketing and messaging
  • Create and schedule events and demonstrations
  • Call campaigns
  • Take-action petitions
  • Donation and fundraiser solicitations
  • Letter campaigns

The Action Network is a multifaceted and highly partisan hydra supporting and promoting anti-American fanaticism.

IRS Non-Profit Social Welfare Requirement

Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(4) provides for the exemption of “civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare.” The organizations must promote the common good and general welfare that benefits the community. To satisfy this requirement, the organizations engage in educating the community and must conduct their activities in a non-partisan manner. Membership fees typically fund these organizations.

Whether The Action Network satisfies the IRS requirements as a 501(c)(4) social welfare charity is highly problematic since it does not promote the common good and general welfare. Its tight-knit partnership with the Democratic Party is partisan – Strike One!. The Network promotes candidates, i.e., Chicago City Council elections – Strike Two!. Radical organizations like BLM use the Network to foster hate and polarization – Strike Three!. The Action Network should be classified as for-profit organization and subject to corporate taxation.

Bring Back HUAC

The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUCA) was disbanded in 1975. It is time to reinstate HUCA to combat Saul Alinsky’s Marxism undermining our Constitutional Republic.

Bob Bishop is a retired corporate CPA



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