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Getting in shape and staying fit doesn’t have to always have to equate to joining a gym. In fact, you can get a great workout and reach your fitness goals right from the comfort of your own home.

Sure, having access to a lot of equipment in a flashy space is nice, but the “gym scene” doesn’t work for everyone. And staying fit at home has a variety of advantages: you can do it when it’s convenient for you, there’s no commute, no wasted memberships, and no need to feel self-conscious or deal with the shenanigans of working out with strangers.

So if you’re looking to stay fit and build a workout routine here are some tips and tricks.

Ease Into Your Routine

If you want to stay fit, making exercise a part of your daily routine is key. But if you haven’t worked out in a while, starting out slowly will help you ‌build strength and endurance without causing too much of that unbearable back at it exercise-induced soreness. You know the one where you waddle around for a few days?

Going too fast, or too hard too quickly also can leave you feeling tired, discouraged, while burning you out pretty quickly. Building up your stamina can take some time, but ultimately you should feel good after exercising. 

Each of us should aim to get 30-60 minutes of exercise activity each day.

Try working out 2-3 days a week to start and then increasing the amount of time gradually. If you feel good, go for it. But never push yourself if you’re in pain or something doesn’t feel right.

 You can even start with just 10 minutes each session and work your way up.

Figure Out How You Like to Get Moving

When it comes down to it, ‌ you’re going to need to find ‌exercise you enjoy if you want to make it a habit. And you don’t need to pick just one form of exercise. Choosing a few styles can provide a variety of benefits while keeping your routine fresh.

Whatever exercise you do, it will typically include some form of:

  • Cardiovascular (aerobic) workout: Aim to get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, 75 minutes of more intense aerobic activity a week, or a combination. 
  • Resistance (strength-building) training: Strength training with weights is a great way to tone your body, build muscle and burn calories, but body weight exercised can build strength too. You should train all major muscle groups at least two times a week. 3 to 5 days a week is ideal, but the frequency will depend on your personal fitness goals. If you’re just starting out, even 2 days can provide benefits. 
  • Stretching for better flexibility/mobility: Stretching feels good before and after a workout, but it can also increase blood flow for faster recovery, help loosen stiff muscle, increase joint mobility and decrease your risk of injuries.

Always give yourself 1-2 days of recovery each week. On these days, gentle movement is okay and can even be beneficial to help with mobility and keeping up calorie burn if weight loss is a goal.


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