It’s Time to Secure Your Raise
Now that you know how to define where you stand regarding your current position at your company, you should feel confident asking for a raise. Remember, requesting a pay increase isn’t just about getting more money. It’s about recognizing your value and reinforcing your commitment to your role. Be confident in your ask, use the data to support your request, and maintain a constructive and open dialogue with your employer.
Here are some things to keep in mind when taking the leap to secure the salary increase you deserve:
Ensure that Your Compensation Reflects Your Worth
Negotiating for a higher salary is a significant step towards living a more financially secure life. It shows that you understand your value in the market and are willing to advocate for yourself. Your professional journey involves more than just doing your job well; it also involves ensuring that your compensation reflects your worth.
Use Data to Your Advantage
Remember, data is power. Resources like Glassdoor,, and other free salary report platforms can provide invaluable information to back your negotiation. They allow you to understand comparable salary ranges, pay increment trends, and real wage growth in your job sector, ultimately giving you more bargaining power.
Don’t Be Afraid to Negotiate
Negotiating your salary with an employer is a crucial step in ensuring you are fairly compensated for your skills and contributions. Don’t be afraid to negotiate because it demonstrates your value and confidence and can lead to better financial rewards and job satisfaction in the long run. After all, employers expect negotiations, and engaging in a thoughtful conversation about your worth can open doors to more significant opportunities and respect in the workplace.
Remember that Not Every Negotiation Is the Same
Ultimately, it’s crucial to remember that every negotiation will be different, impacted by factors such as job responsibilities, job performance, the hiring company’s compensation package, the state of the economy, and softer labor markets. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t get the raise you requested. The important thing is that you asked, advocated for yourself, and initiated a conversation that could lead to a more significant raise.
For example, if, for some reason, the company cannot meet your salary increase request due to financial constraints, they might be open to reviewing your salary again in the future or providing additional benefits, such as a work-from-home arrangement, to offset any additional costs tied to your role. These discussions can also lead to opportunities for career advancement, which could come with higher salary bands and more benefits.
Understand Your Industry
Understanding your industry and what the typical pay increases are can help determine if you are ready to make that request or not. Understanding the average salary increase trends for government workers or job holders in sectors with strictly defined pay scales can help set realistic expectations and equip you with the necessary information when asking for a cost-of-living adjustment or a well-deserved raise.
Willis Towers Watson’s data recently revealed some intriguing insights about expected salary increments. While corporate executives and professional employees could see a 3% raise, manual laborers might anticipate a 2.8% increase. Interestingly, pharmaceutical employees could pocket the highest raise at 3.1%, while retail sectors project the lowest raise of 2.9%.
In essence, a 3% salary increase is the norm across most industries. So, as you set your sights on a salary boost in 2023, especially if 2022 was disappointing, this is a realistic figure to aim for.
Ensure You’ve Established Your Value
Remember that employers do not only consider job performance when determining pay raises. They also consider factors such as your overall attitude, punctuality, willingness to take on additional tasks, and ability to work well with others. Therefore, in addition to focusing on improving your job skills, consider how you can positively impact your work environment.