INDIANAPOLIS — It’s been 23 years since the September 11th attacks. Thousands of lives were lost that day, between New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. and the impact has been felt in communities across the country. 

Here at home, communities throughout central Indiana are paying tribute to the fallen first responders on 9/11 climbing 110 flights of stairs equivalent to the 110 floors of the World Trade Center.

“Put yourself in their shoes for just a brief moment and understand the sacrifice that was made,” said Charlie Traughber, the Senior General Manager of Crunch Fitness in the Indianapolis area. “Obviously, there was a point in time where they knew what was going to happen and they did their job anyway.”

That’s why places like Crunch Fitness in Indianapolis are putting themselves in their shoes, climbing that same number of stairs in their memory.

“I decided to do the climb because I think it’s important we remember the people who sacrificed and gave their lives on such a devastating day,” said Montinke Hobbes, a member at Crunch Fitness.

“I think it’s a huge thing for the community because it means people still do remember and they still do want to honor those that fell that day and they do want to respect the first responders that protect us every day,” Traughber said.

The day holds a special place for first responders, who know what it’s like to respond to a tragedy.

“Our adrenaline overrides our minds sometimes and at that point we rely on our training,” said Michael Pruitt, the Deputy Fire Chief at the Bargersville Fire Department. “It’s a muscle memory thing. We go back and start thinking about our training. We don’t worry so much about the fear of what the consequences may be.”

Michael Pruitt with the Bargersville Fire Department knew people on the ground that day including Andy Fredericks who lost his life.

“I remember being attracted to his knowledge of the fire service and tactics he was just one of those guys you would gravitate to listen to and was very well known across the country,” Pruitt said.

That’s why remembrance events like this are so important.

“What I love about it is [we are] continuing to remember,” Pruitt said. “I love seeing that stuff because when we say we never forget it truly drives home the fact that we absolutely cannot [forget] and by conducting those types of events, it’s awesome.”

Each step taken honors another person who lost their life that day.

“I hope what they remember is the sacrifice that was made,” Traughber said. “Realistically, they are going to think, ‘Wow! Oh my gosh that was really hard,’ and maybe relate a little bit better to what those firefighters and first responders did go through that day.”

By the end of the day the Crunch Fitness location on Michigan Road is hoping to bring in more than 100 participants for this year’s 9/11 remembrance event.

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