Conservative actor Jon Voight posted a video to social media earlier this week calling for the impeachment of President Joe Biden.

The two-minute clip focuses mainly on crime issues and wonders if the “darkness” of the Biden years can “be lifted.”

“We have a troubled nation with much horror from these criminals that are ruining lives,” Voight states, “We must stop this now. We must bring back our nation’s safety.”

The Academy Award-winning actor pointed the finger at Biden for taking “down our morals, our true gift of the land of the free.”

“He must be impeached,” he added. “Don’t let this President Biden tear down every inch that was sacrificed with blood, sweat, and tears for his dictation of lies.”


RELATED: Ted Cruz: Biden Impeachment Likely If Republicans Win Back The House

Jon Voight: Impeach President Joe Biden

Polling consistently shows the American people are fed up with President Biden and his party’s soft-on-crime policies.

In a CBS News poll, 61 percent of voters disapprove of Biden’s handling of crime. Likewise, a Washington Post-ABC poll found Republicans hold a 12-point advantage on the issue of crime.

“We must protect this nation and bring back safety. We’re all feeling very unsafe,” Voight said before calling on Joe Biden to be impeached.

Aside from crime, there are several areas in which a Republican House could impeach the President or at least investigate the Biden administration.

Top of that list would be open borders.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) when asked if he believed similar to Jon Voight that Biden could be impeached said, “I do think there’s a chance of that.”

“Whether it’s justified or not, the Democrats weaponized impeachment,” Cruz continued. “They used it for partisan purposes to go after Trump because they disagreed with him.”

Cruz went on to explain that the border crisis and Biden’s “decision to just defy immigration laws” are the most likely grounds for impeachment.

Republican Representative Claudia Tenney of New York also demanded Joe Biden be impeached after police video surfaced showing illegal immigrants being flown by federal contractors into Westchester County Airport.

RELATED: NY Rep. Calls For Biden To Be Impeached After Police Video Shows Feds Flying Illegal Immigrants Into NY

Voight Calls Trump a ‘Hero’

Roughly one year prior to his video calling on Biden to be impeached, Midnight Cowboy actor Jon Voight appeared in another video defending President Donald Trump and his former lawyer Rudy Giuliani as “heroes of the United States.”

“We as a nation will stand up for these men, heroes of the United States of America because my friends God is our witness and he will show who’s boss,” he said. “Pray for justice and truth!”

Voight said Trump, while Democrats spent four years viciously attacking him and calling for his impeachment, is “the greatest president of this century.”

Aside from open borders, President Biden easily could have been impeached over the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

The incompetence behind the withdrawal led to a suicide bombing killing 13 service members, a retaliatory drone strike by the United States that killed 10 civilians – including an aid worker and 7 children – and hundreds of Americans being left behind for a significant period of time in the Taliban-controlled country.

The White House’s efforts to create a letter alongside the National School Boards Association (NSBA) that would spur an attempt to weaponize the FBI and DOJ against concerned parents whom they branded potential “domestic terrorists” also should have opened some eyes.

Biden’s bungling of the COVID response, where more Americans died under his watch with multiple vaccines and therapies available, should also prompt further scrutiny.

Democrats most certainly would have impeached Trump over it had he won in 2020.

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