INDIANAPOLIS — Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett signed the 2025 budget for the City of Indianapolis and Marion County on Tuesday.

According to a press release, some of the budget’s highlights include:

  • No tax increases in Indianapolis, a continuation of a nine-year trend
  • Eight consecutive years of fully funded and fully balanced budgets (per the release, the Circle City had a “significant structural deficit in 2016”)
  • Support for city-county employees. Hogsett’s team acknowledged that non-union employees have experienced increased costs of living lately, while union workers have seen salary increases. The team also added that negotiations, including collective bargaining agreements, are underway with local labor unions.
  • Sustaining a favorable credit rating, which the release credits to strong management. This allows Indianapolis to fund crucial projects by borrowing money at lower rates. The release further mentioned that Indy’s AAA General Obligation Bond Rating was recently reaffirmed as well.
  • Extra funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allowed direct benefits to Indy residents. Hogsett’s team said this helps support citywide initiatives (including improvements to Indy Parks and support for the Gun Violence Reduction Strategy), street drainage improvements and grandfathering programs like the Indy Peace program into the city’s operating budget.

Hogsett commented on the budget plans, stating “The 2025 operating budget makes critical investments in areas that are top concerns of our residents: public safety, violence reduction, road infrastructure and traffic safety.

“This budget also makes quality of place and quality of life investments for all our residents, especially the City and County employees who serve Indianapolis every day,” Hogsett said.

Moreover, the press release wrote that if Indianapolis faces another unprecedented event like the COVID-19 pandemic, Hogsett and his team feel prepared to protect both the city’s services and taxpayer dollars.

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