After two years of inundating the public with propaganda and fear surrounding COVID-19, the mainstream media and the federal government turned the page on the manufactured pandemic.
While coronavirus fades from headlines, the number of people purportedly dying from the virus continues to climb.
Over one million Americans have now purportedly died from COVID-19, according to figures published by Our World In Data.
More people died from COVID-19 in the United States than any other developed nation worldwide.
COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2021, following heart disease and cancer, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
As the corporate press and the Biden administration raise alarm this week over the high COVID-19 death toll in America, they continue to ignore the elephant in the room.
Americans infected with COVID-19 are not actually dying from the virus, doctors warn.
The United States has the highest COVID death rate in the world because COVID patients are dying in hospitals under the CDC guidelines, Dr. Ben Marble MD., primary care doctor, told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.
“There’s no question without a doubt that the reason why the United States has the number one highest death toll from COVID is because of all these policies,” he said.
Health practitioners in hospitals “stopped administering all the drugs that work — they stopped the Ivermectin, they stopped the Hydroxychloroquine, and they start protocols that don’t work. They started bad drugs that don’t work like Remdesivir which causes kidney failure in at least 20 percent of people who get it. It’s a bad drug that should be pulled off the market. They didn’t want us doing early treatment — that didn’t make any sense. Early treatment is the cornerstone of all good medicine. Treat everything as early as possible.
In addition to providing every COVID-19 patient with deadly Remdesivir, doctors are required to intubate patients as their health depletes from the drug notorious for causing renal failure.
“They basically hold the patient hostage,” Marble explained. “They won’t let the patient have any visitors. If they complain incessantly, then they sedate the patient. Once you’re sedated, you get intubated. Intubated patients end up dying overnight.”
COVID-19 mandates may have waned, but people are still getting killed in the hospitals and no one is stopping it, Marble fumed.
“All the hospitals in America are still following these protocols that we know don’t work. That’s why the average person doesn’t want to have to go to the hospital right now. A lot of us call them ‘hellspitals’ because of this. They are doing all the wrong things for patients with these failed policies and we all know they’ve failed. The government bureaucracy is stuck on stupid.
After practicing medicine in the emergency for over 15 years, Dr. Marble refused to follow along with new lethal CDC protocols, resigned and founded MyFreeDoctor.Com, where his team provides free treatment for COVID patients.
“I realized Fauci, the CDC, FDA — and everything they were recommending was wrong, the masks, social distancing, the shutdowns — all those things did not work to stop COVID. All they did was make everything worse. It’s proven by the fact that America has the highest death toll in the world,” he said. “We know these are failed policies and we have to quit following them unless we want the highest death toll. Just ignore everything the federal government says and do the opposite.
As information showcasing the inefficacy of COVID vaccines began to permeate the mainstream and Americans became increasingly fed up with the lies, the Biden administration and its propaganda arm diverted the public’s attention to the war with Russia and Ukraine and COVID-19 mandates waned.
“Certainly, they are trying to change the narrative because a lot of the doctors like myself have blown the whistle on this scam and spoken out against Fauci and friends – who are against early treatment while favoring these vaccines,” Dr. Marble said. “The vaccines — normally when an FDA-approved drug harms over 50 people, the normal standard is to pull it off the market at 50 deaths. Yet, according to the Pfizer data that was just revealed, there were over 1,200 deaths in the Pfizer study — there were only like 39,000 people in it. 1200 of them died. The vaccine should have been pulled off the market over a year ago. We’ve blown the whistle on that so the average person doesn’t want to take the vaccine anymore, so they decided, ‘Hey let’s switch the narrative to Ukraine.’”
“Fauci is the architect of all of this. He is the greatest mass murderer in all the world because he financed the gain of function research. He paid for the creation of COVID-19. That virus is a manmade virus, we know that for a fact. It’s a combination of Sars 1 with parts of HIV, parts of Respiratory Syncytial Virus and mixed the spike protein in there with it. They tried to make it as dangerous as they could to justify the need for fake vaccine gene-editing technology. The sad thing is they’ve already vaccinated 5 billion people they are going to get to 6 billion by the end of this year. Go to my free, that’s where we will try to deliver treatment for free and help as many people as we can. That’s the best we can try to do to help people.”
Washington-based Physician Assistant Scott Miller is unable to practice medicine for the foreseeable future after saving the lives of more than 2,500 Covid patients who were refused adequate care by their doctors or the local hospitals.
It’s clear the CDC has been weaponized against the American public, and they, along with other federal and state government agencies, are complicit in the deaths of now over 1 million Americans and the disruption or destruction of the lives of tens and tens of millions of families across our United States, Miller told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.
Obviously, Remdesivir is deadly, it shuts down the kidneys. When they were doing the Ebola studies in 2015, Remdesivir was so toxic, so damaging to the organs, it had to be stopped. If they weren’t dying from Ebola, Remdesivir was killing them. Even the WHO deemed it toxic and ineffective and recommended against its use over 16 months ago. Meanwhile, the vaccines are shutting off people’s immune pathways ability to recognize foreign invaders. It’s silencing areas of our immune system that are critical to recognizing a threat. Hell, we could spend a couple hours just talking about antibody-dependent enhancement.”
Like Miller, medical practitioners who expose the murderous protocols in the hospitals or conspire to save lives continue to be smeared and revoked of their medical licenses.
“The doctors don’t profit, but if they don’t comply with the new protocol, a formal internal investigation would be opened by the hospital as to why they chose to break rank or they would simply be fired. They put so much pressure on the doctors to conform and follow “evidence-based medicine,” Miller said. “For someone like me, who wasn’t an employee and didn’t work in a clinic, the consequences are far more devastating. I owned my own Pediatrics practice. When the Washington Medical Commission started opening investigations on me, a sane person would have capitulated and stopped speaking out, stopped helping people, and refused to treat them. When they suspended my license, I didn’t just lose my job, I lost the entirety of everything that I worked and sacrificed to build over the last 15 years. I had hundreds of reasons to not speak out, to not provide care to those who have been abandoned by the medical system, but I had several thousand better reasons to not only share the truth about what is really going on, but to also treat everyone that reached out to me in need.
“The witch hunts by these medical boards across the United States — threatening the livelihood of any provider that chooses to share actual facts, to share truth, to share information that can save people’s lives — has not been addressed nearly enough. If you are a medical provider in the United States, a provider that actually knows the science, your right to free speech hasn’t just been trampled, beaten, stabbed, gang-raped, and then shot, left in the middle of the road for everyone else to see, as a symbol of what happens if you dare speak out against our new normal,” he continued. “If I was going to share how I feel about my experiences over the last 2 years — on an almost daily basis tasked with trying to figure out how to preserve the lives of people that have been ignored or actively harmed by our medical system — it would not be fit to print. “