My hair has been through the wringer. As a teenager, I used to wake up every morning in the summer by 8 a.m. and go to swimming practice. For two hours every single morning, I would swim back and forth nonstop without a care in the world about the chlorine soaking into each strand of my hair. Let’s just say those summers weren’t my greatest hair moments, but what’s important is that I had a lot of fun and was in the best shape of my life.

Things have only slightly begun to look up for my hair since then. I have spent most of my adult life getting my hair straightened professionally, and it hasn’t been looking its healthiest in recent years due to my poor choice of salons. (Don’t let a lower price point determine your decision-making process when it comes to your hair!!)

Although my hair was already facing some serious breakage, I decided to bleach it last summer. I have absolutely no regrets about this decision and loved my red hair, but the time came for me to say goodbye. After a quick visit to my favorite place in NYC, Rita Hazan Salon, I was back to my natural color. However, after all the heat I had put on my red hair, things weren’t looking their best. This is when it became clear to me that it was time to try microlinks for the first time.

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