Anna Halverson, candidate for Wisconsin State Assembly District 80, is one of only two Wisconsin candidates to earn endorsement by Everytown for Gun Safety.

“We can’t end our gun violence epidemic without passing strong gun laws, and that requires electing strong gun safety champions,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety. “Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers aren’t just running for office — they’re winning. As the country clamors for action after the tragedies in Buffalo and Uvalde, we’re proud to endorse these volunteers, who are already walking the walk on gun safety.”

“It is an honor to join Representative Andraca, who has also endorsed my candidacy, as one of only two Wisconsin candidates to earn this endorsement,” Halverson said. “My work as an organizer and an advocate to end gun violence uniquely qualifies me to tackle these issues as a State Representative. Most Wisconsinites support universal background checks and common-sense gun laws. I will continue to stand up to the gun lobby to pass those laws and protect our communities, save lives, and end gun violence. I look forward to taking on these issues, every day, in the State Legislature.”

Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America came together in 2013 to tackle their shared goal of ending gun violence. Since then, Everytown for Gun Safety has grown into a movement of more than 8 million supporters. A full list of endorsed candidates is available here.

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