Dem U.S. Senate candidate Sarah Godlewski went back on the air today with a new TV ad that says she’s “leading the fight.”
Her campaign said it is part of an ongoing multi-million dollar buy leading up to the Aug. 9 primary. No other details were provided.
A Dem source said Godlewski had spent $2 million on TV through June 14, not including the new buy.
Meanwhile, Dem rival Alex Lasry had spent $7.7 million on TV through June 14. Mandela Barnes had spent some $700,000 in buys through June 27. And Tom Nelson had spent $276,000 through the same day.
Godlewski’s new ad shows her on the campaign trail and in media interviews saying things like Roe v. Wade, paid family leave, affordable childcare and affordable senior care would be higher priorities for the U.S. Senate if there were more women serving there.
“We do not want politicians like Ron Johnson making health care decisions for women and affecting our freedom,” Godlewski says in the ad.
The spot closes with the announcer calling her the “best chance to rid the Senate of Ron Johnson.”