The resurgence of Y2K-inspired fashion has been going on for quite some time. The beginning of this seems to be marked by the early 2020 days. As people flocked to TikTok to keep themselves entertained during the lockdown, Gen Z suddenly had the microphone and began calling the shots as to what would be trending. As a member of Gen Z myself, I remember being way too young to dabble with trends like low-rise jeans and barely there butterfly tops but loved watching young adults flaunt them. So collectively we decided to have our turn at those early 2000s trends. 

Although it’s now been about two years since the return of Y2K, the aesthetic is going stronger than ever rotating through trends that we’d thought were long forgotten. So I began to wonder, which of these trends are still worth wearing and which have we fully moved on from. I dialed up Devin Apollon who has been at the forefront of the social media-driven Y2K trends since the reboot began. Her input on the pieces that are still worth buying into ended up being the exact guidance I needed to plan out my summer wardrobe. 

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