Many Americans look for a “Made in the USA” label on the products they buy, because they believe they are more likely to be high quality items.  But that doesn’t necessarily go for DIGITAL CONTENT.



According to a recent study, Americans are consuming over 50% more internationally produced TV shows and books than they were five years ago.  And a large chunk of that is YOUNG PEOPLE.



Overall, roughly 48% of the TV shows we watch are internationally sourced . . . along with 46% of the books.  And 41% believe that international content is higher quality than American-made content.  And 38% say it’s “more original.”



Gen Z’ers (42%) and millennials (40%) were more likely to favorite international content, over Gen X’ers (28%) and boomers (21%).



One reason for this change is the proliferation of foreign titles on streaming services . . . whether that’s new content, or licensed by, say, Netflix.  There’s just more access to them now than even five years ago.  For books, some of that foreign boost comes from manga graphic novels from Japan.




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