Chris Kirk, editor of The Tennessee Magazine

Putting together a monthly magazine can really affect your perspective. Our dedicated staff is usually working at least a month ahead of the time readers are expected to receive each magazine, so it can be easy to forget the current date. As this issue goes to press, it’s earlier in November, but in my editor’s mind, addled by an alternate timeline skewed by deadlines, the holiday season is in full, festive swing.

If I’m not careful, I can miss out on all the real world fun! Once the December magazine is put to bed, I’m lost again in the desktop publishing wilderness, thinking it’s January. There have been years that I haven’t gotten my fill of my favorite carols and seasonal treats. And that’s a real bummer.

So now, especially around the holidays, I take great effort to wake from my workload focus and enjoy “real life.” And my kids enjoy riding my earlier holiday mood because they always want to decorate at a time that a younger Chris Kirk would declare was much too early for holly, ribbons and lights.

And glitter. Oh, so much glitter.

As Mike Knotts aptly addressed on page 6 in quoting a noted philosopher from film, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

So, sure, let’s go ahead and get out the tree, stockings and other decorations. But I’m drawing the line at the outdoor decor. I guess I’m semistuck in some of my ways.

Thank you for reading our magazine, writing to us, entering our contests and celebrating the great people, places, food, events and everything else across Tennessee.

From everyone at The Tennessee Magazine, Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association and our electric co-ops, we wish you a most blessed holiday season and all the best in the year ahead.

Thanks for reading,

Chris Kirk

Editor, The Tennessee Magazine

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