FISHERS, Ind. — A man has been arrested after he reportedly shot into an occupied vehicle, the Fishers Police Department announced on Saturday.

According to FPD, officers responded just before 3:40 a.m. to the 11600 block of Exit 5 Parkway. They had been told that a vehicle had been shot at.

FPD said the victim also told them a white F150 — driven by the suspect — was heading eastbound on 116th Street.

Police followed this vehicle, conducted a traffic stop and arrested Ronald Leach of Brazil, Ind. FPD said he was taken into custody without incident.

Ronald Leach (FPD)

The victim stated to police that the shooting stemmed from an incident at a local bar. Per FPD, Leach was asked to leave this bar and eventually returned to argue with an employee about a missing driver’s license.

FPD said the victim was an employee of the bar. They left work and noticed Leach’s vehicle in a turn lane at a stop light. While the victim drove in the opposite direction of Leach, FPD said shots were fired into their vehicle near the intersection of 116th St and Exit 5 Parkway.

The victim was not injured, but FPD noted the rear driver’s side of their vehicle had been damaged.

Leach currently faces the following charges:

  • Criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon (Level 6 Felony)
  • Pointing a firearm at another (Level 6 Felony)
  • Operating a vehicle while intoxicated and has prior convictions (Level 6 Felony)

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