The Fort Pierre City Council meets this evening (Aug. 5, 2024) at 6pm CT in the South Dakota Municipal League building (208 Island Drive) in Fort Pierre. Items on their agenda include:

  • Award for Hay Ground bids
  • Personnel-Street Position update
  • Budget Discussion

The public may attend the meeting in person or access it remotely. To access it:

  • using Zoom on a computer or smartphone app, enter meeting ID: 814 124 6625
  • by phone, call 1-312-626-6799, then enter meeting ID: 814 124 6625

Please mute your phone/microphone when you are not addressing the Council.




MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2024 @ 6:00 PM

  1. Call to Order

Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
  3. Reports


Finance Officer

Public Works (Superintendents/Engineers)


  1. Consent Calendar

Minutes: 7/15/24 Council Meeting;

  1. Public Hearing

Temp Liquor Lic-Casey Tibbs Rodeo Center -8/18/24-COUNCIL ACTION

  1. New Business

a. Proclamation – Professional Engineers Day 08/07/24

b. Purchase Agreement – Cam Rentals, LLC – Water Storage

c. Set Public Hearing on 9/3 for Temp Liquor License-Longbranch-Buckin on the River-9/13 & 9/14-SC Fairgrounds

d. Pay App #2 – 2024 Street Improvements-Creager Court – Morris $118,249.54

e. Pay App #3 – 2023 Street Improvements-Yellowstone – Quality Concrete Construction $129,730.94

f. CCO#1 – 2024 Street Improvements-6th Ave – Morris $70,000

g. Pay App #1 – 2024 Street Improvements-6th Ave – Morris $167,122.48

h. ROW Closure-Trader Days-August 10-Deadwood St(2nd Ave to Main)/Main Ave (500’ E/W Deadwood)-amended

i. Temp Malt Bev License-Tiger’s Tap-Trader Days-August 10

j. Temp Malt Bev License-Maier Meats-The Hangout- Trader Days-August 10

k. Temp Malt Bev License-American Legion Post 20- Trader Days-August 10

l. Temp Liquor License-Chateau-Pat Duffy Community Center-September 7

m. Temp Liquor License-Chateau-Pat Duffy Community Center-September 21

n. Abatement – Godfrey – 2020 pay 2021; 2021 pay 2022; 2022 pay 2023 – Structure removed in 2022 $32.52 City tax

o. Abatement – Baldwin – 2022 pay 2023 – Structure removed in 2021 $13.44 City tax

p. Abatement – Crawford – 2023 pay 2024 – Structure moved in March 2023 $58.20 City tax (10 months)

q. Award for Hay Ground bids

r. Personnel-Street Position update

s. Budget Discussion

  1. Public Comments (Public Comments will offer the opportunity for anyone not listed on the agenda to speak to the council. Speaking time could be limited to 3 minutes. No action will be taken on questions or items not on the agenda.)
  2. Approval of Claims
  3. Executive Session: per SDCL 1-25-2 (1) Personnel; (3) Legal/Contractual Matters; (5) Marketing/Pricing Strategies; (6) Protection of Public or Private Persons or Property
  4. Adjournment

Note-Pending Business:

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