The Tennessee Titans have been active so far this offseason in restructuring their front office. After firing general manager Ran Carthon, the team has taken on a different approach in an attempt to rescue the franchise from futility. 

On top of hiring Mike Borgonzi to be the new general manager, the team has added two former general managers in different roles within the organization.  While this may seem impressive, a former player seems to question this philosophy.

Keith Bulluck’s comments do have some merit, as there were many questions about who ultimately had roster control that did come up during the initial general manager search. In fact, according to reports, the NFL reviewed the scope of the position before the interview process. 

While there has been constant talk about this, so far, team president Chad Brinker and Borgonzi have both remained unified in their response that it will be a team effort. 

Bulluck did expound on his comments and again hit home, “If this is the new formula for it…Why not, Let’s do it! Still doesn’t change my thought.”

By all accounts, this is a different approach, and there is potential that this structure will implode or fail mightily with so many different perspectives involved. Time will tell the story, and it will be easy to see based on the team’s success moving forward. 

Like all fans, Bulluck hopes for the best and is rooting for Titans’ success. That’s all anyone can do at this point in the offseason. 

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