A former Castle Rock resident was found guilty Wednesday of sexually assaulting three children between the ages of 5 and 8, according to prosecutors and court records.

Douglas County jurors convicted Eugene Howard Glimpse, 55, of three counts each of sexual assault on a child and enticement as well as single charges of unlawful sexual contact and sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust.

The assaults took place between 2002 and 2012, while Glimpse lived in Castle Rock, prosecutors said in a news release. He later moved to Texas and was charged in 2023.

“Mr. Glimpse is the monster you pray resides far from your own neighborhood,” Danielle Jaramillo, chief deputy district attorney for the 23rd Judicial District, said in the release. “Predators like him are the reason parents cannot trust that their children are safe even when playing down the street.”

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