Winds and rain hit Tybee Island, Georgia on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 as Hurricane Idalia made landfall in Florida.

Climate change cares little about convenience. 

Or your summer vacations. 

That’s why weather-related events fueled by a warming planet are impacting ― and in some cases, imperiling ― leisure travelers like never before. 

Visitors to Hawaii’s resort-rich island of Maui found that out late last summer when nature threw a climatological curveball. 

Isolated in the warm Pacific Ocean nearly 3,000 miles west of Mexico, Maui and the rest of Hawaii’s islands are accustomed to severe tropical weather. 

Last August, Hurricane Dora missed Hawaii by hundreds of miles as it passed to the south, but remnants of its powerful winds still buffeted Maui and fanned flames that torched more than 2,000 acres turned to tinder in extremely dry weather. 

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