MARTINSVILLE, Ind. — A fire broke out in the holding bin of a trash truck in Martinsville on Tuesday.

Per a Martinsville Fire Department Facebook post, crews responded to North Mulberry Street around 6:19 a.m. and found a pile of burning trash in the roadway. Firefighters subsequently learned the driver of a trash truck had dumped the garbage in the street.

Photos courtesy of the Martinsville Fire Department.

MFD confirmed the driver detected the fire in the holding bin of his packer truck shortly after he completed a pickup at a local business. Initially, the driver tried to extinguish the fire himself in a remote parking lot on the north side of Martinsville.

Despite the driver’s efforts, the fire continued to spread. Eventually, the driver decided to drop the garbage in his truck in the street.

MFD located the trash fire approximately four blocks from its fire station. Firefighters promptly extinguished the blaze, but they had to close a portion of North Mulberry Street to do so.

The roadway was opened after Waste Management crews removed the trash from the street.

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