yavapai county sheriff

A father and two of his children are dead after a head-on collision on Saturday.

According to the Yavapai County Sheriff’s office, just after 3:00 p.m., on Saturday, deputies responded to a head-on collision on Williamson Valley Road near Levie Lane, just northwest of Prescott. Upon arrival, deputies found a driver and a young child deceased at the scene.

Three adult patients were airlifted to hospitals for treatment.

Another young child was pronounced dead during transport to the hospital. A third young child was taken to a hospital via ambulance and is currently in critical condition at a Hospital in Phoenix.

In total, 5 medical helicopters responded and transported victims.

Investigators believe that the driver, identified as Jesse Forman from Chino Valley, driving a Toyota 4-Runner carrying his 3 young children and the mother of the children, crossed over double lines and collided head-on with a Jeep SUV, carrying a woman in her 60s and her adult son. These individuals were also flown to a Flagstaff hospital with serious injuries.

The Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office continues investigating the circumstances surrounding this tragic incident, including if impairment and speed are factors.

“The Sheriff’s office extends the deepest sympathy to the children and the families involved in this horrific crash. I also want to recognize the tireless efforts of the many first responders who immediately rushed to the aid of all involved,” stated Yavapai County Sheriff David Rhodes.

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