INDIANAPOLIS — On this day, exactly one year ago, Broad Ripple families woke up to heartbreaking news after three people were killed and another was hospitalized after a late-night shooting in the 800 block of Broad Ripple Avenue near Guilford Avenue. 

“It’s hard,” said Gale Evans, one of the victim’s grandmothers. “It’s very hard. I haven’t accepted it yet.”

Gale Evans’ grandson, Christopher “Chris” Wilson was one of three people killed that night. He was just 22 years old, ready to start the next phase of his life.

“It’s hard not having him here,” she said. “[It’s hard] not seeing him every day because he was a big, big part of my life.”

Chris Wilson was the first grandkid to graduate high school and his family said he had a big and bright future ahead of him. 

“Every time I wake up, he was there,” Deon Collins, his brother, said. “Every time I went to sleep he was always there, so it’s kinda like an empty void knowing someone who was there 24/7 every single day just isn’t there anymore.”

The day Chris’ family’s lives changed forever was Sunday, June 25, 2023. Police say there were 400-500 people enjoying a night out on Broad Ripple Avenue when things turned violent. Police say a disturbance led to shots being fired, killing three young adults and leaving another woman in the hospital. The victims were 24-year-old Tywain Thomas, 22-year-old Kaleyia Preer, and 22-year-old Christopher Wilson.

“I don’t know how to explain it but a piece of me is gone,” Collins said.

That same day, city officials talked about implementing a gun-free zone in downtown Broad Ripple. The logistics were tough, so the plans never materialized. Instead, IMPD is working on other ways to combat violence including utilizing new technology and Special Event Teams.

“Special Event Teams, SET, is what we call them and [the teams] work the weekend hours, the busy, high traffic hours ensuring we have plenty of officer presence in those times,” said Officer Thomas Thompson with IMPD. “We want to ensure our youth can have a safe and enjoyable time as well as the rest of the community that wants to enjoy this wonderful city.

In the last year, police say there’s been a decrease in violent crime in Broad Ripple. This is what IMPD released to us in an email about how numbers have declined in the last 12 months:

“Overall, violent crime within the Broad Ripple shops/restaurants area is down 31% from last year. The surrounding area, including Broad Ripple neighborhoods and the shops/restaurants, is down a combined 27% for violent crimes for YTD versus the previous year. Property crimes are down almost 5% within Broad Ripple shops/restaurants areas and a combined 8% within the Broad Ripple neighborhoods and shops/restaurants for YTD versus the previous year.”

And although numbers are down, it still doesn’t take away the pain Chris’ family feels on the anniversary of his death. Even if he is not physically here, his family says his spirit is still very much alive.

“It’s the little things,” Evans said. “During the day, you’ll be like, ‘That’s Chris.’ He’s still with us.”

“I can’t see him but I feel him,” Collins said. “Just because he’s not here doesn’t mean I won’t see him again.”

24-year-old Kara Hinds is facing a number of charges for her role in last summer’s shooting. She is in jail awaiting trial. The pretrial court hearing is set for July 16 at 2:00 p.m.

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