The haggard and emotional Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer lobs accusations at Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich at a meeting of the Board of Supervisors on May 4, 2022.

On Wednesday, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, members of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer continued to swat at each other over an investigation of the 2020 General Election.

Wednesday’s squabble started early when Richer made another appearance in front of the supervisors to complain about the release by Brnovich of an “interim report” on the investigation his office is conducting on the County’s sloppy handling of the 2020 General Election.

Richer, who appears increasingly emotionally distraught, discussed a letter the men sent off to the Attorney General’s Office alleging that the report “omitted pertinent information, misrepresented facts, and cited distorted data to sow doubt in county election processes, equipment, and staff.”

In that report, the Attorney General’s Office Election Integrity Unit found multiple lapses in chain of custody and security failures by the Recorder’s Office, which was occupied at the time by former County Recorder Adrian Fontes and the Maricopa County Elections Department, which falls under the control of the Board of Supervisors.

Arizona’s Republican National Committeeman Tyler Bowyer tweeted: “Instead of doing the job they were elected to do, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Recorder Richer met today to basically moan about AG Brnovich’s campaign in public and pat each other on the back for the incredible work they are doing.”

“I am not sure which senatorial candidate should claim a campaign contribution from the Supervisors and Recorder, but the ass-kicking they handed Brnovich will definitely benefit either Blake Masters, Jim Lamon, or Mark Kelly,” said one political consultant.

Brnovich then attempted to use Richer’s histrionics against him in a videotaped message on Twitter:

To which an increasingly unhinged Richer responded: “lol. This is such nonsense. Show me where I brought up “ballot counting.” Also, pretty rich of you to say, “let’s be civil,” after you issue an interim report (which you know is a ridiculous thing) and insinuate the county broke the law. I’ll debate you on your bogus letter.”

“Every time Richer and his fellow frat boys on the board put on a dog and pony show selling the perfect election lie, they look more delusional. No, they look hysterical and guilty,” said a Maricopa County-based attorney. “People are worried about how they are going to fill up their gas tanks and kitchen shelves and Richer is complaining about looking bad?”

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