SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — It can take anywhere from two weeks to six months to recover from a concussion according to Sanford Hospital medical staff. Early intervention can make all the difference.
Jalen Bui knows the impact a faster recovery can have firsthand.
Bui had just started his plumbing job at Sanford Hospital last April. He was nearly two months into his role when, one morning, he was driving to work. It was a drive he’d never forget.
“Right before the Western exit in between Louise and Western, I had an individual do an improper lane change across two lanes. From there, they collided into the front end of my driver’s side of the vehicle,” Bui said.
Bui lost control of the truck and crashed into a parked road grader in the ditch. He was travelling at about 65 miles per hour.
“I tried to avoid it, but there was not really anything I could do,” Bui said.
Later that night, Bui started having neck pain. He also noticed a loss of balance and weakened motor skills. A short time later, doctors at Sanford Hospital deemed that Bui had a concussion.
“People don’t always know right away that they have an injury because those symptoms don’t have to show up right away,” neuropsychologist Dr. Josefine Combs said.
It also meant Bui’s workload would need to be limited.
“On a personal level, it made me feel horrible, like an employee that was unable to perform their duties for their company,” Bui said.
So, he went through Sanford’s Return to Activity program, a specialized plan that tailors to specific patients’ needs to help them return to normalcy.
“In Jalen’s case, there’s a lot of, physical aspects to it,” Dr. Combs said. “For example, we had to restrict him from heights initially. He wasn’t permitted to use ladders at first until we could rehab his system enough where he wasn’t getting dizzy anymore to reduce risk of him getting hurt again.”
Bui’s recovery lasted two months, which isn’t an unusual amount of time. Concussion recovery can last anywhere from two weeks to six months, depending on the person.
“Time alone can be enough for about 80% of concussions. A concussion just needs a little bit time and the brain self-corrects. There are cases where that doesn’t happen, and that’s where formal treatment is absolutely imperative to get them back to normal,” Dr. Combs said.
However, seeking treatment sooner can sometimes lead to a faster recovery.
“Early intervention is always best. People tend to recover more quickly if they can get into a clinic or be seen faster. Waiting typically equates to a longer recovery or a protracted recovery time,” Dr. Combs said.
Today, Bui said he’s optimistic. He credits the work of his doctors and is grateful for the help he’s received.
Sanford doctors say headaches, dizziness, nausea and mood differences can be common signs of a concussion. However, none of these are a requirement, and if you think you’ve suffered a concussion, it’s best to seek medical help.