Contact: David Bergstein, Nora Keefe – 202-545-355

Ahead of the Wisconsin primary, today the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is launching its first general election advertising campaign against Ron Johnson. The television and digital spots highlight how Johnson has lost touch with the state and is only focused on his own agenda – while Wisconsin’s working families pay the price.

The advertisements are part of the DSCC’s previously announced $33 million independent expenditure reservation.

The following ads will begin reaching voters today:

  • Call Now,” a TV ad. Individuals who call the number 1-888-Not-4Wis featured in the spot will hear this message.
  • Hustle,” a digital ad.
  • Doesn’t Care,” a digital ad.
Announcer: Tired of Washington politicians not working for you? We’ve got a solution…
Announcer: With three easy payments of one million dollars, Ron Johnson will work for you! Just ask these billionaires! They donated a fortune to Johnson…
Announcer: and he delivered a $215 million dollar tax break for them. That’s right $215 million dollars.
Announcer: Johnson even threw in a tax break for himself.
Announcer: Don’t miss this opportunity, call now!

Announcer: Why hustle every day to get by when you can just hustle the system
Announcer: Take Ron Johnson.
Announcer: He got a tax break for himself that helped make him one of the richest senators.
Announcer: And saved his donors millions.
Announcer: While you pay the bill.

Doesn’t Care

Announcer: Ron Johnson got his way, and abortion access is ending in Wisconsin.
Announcer: Doctors could be jailed, no exceptions for rape and incest.
Announcer: Johnson says if you don’t like it, you can move.
Announcer: He doesn’t understand your family, or care about you.
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