You’re probably sick of hearing about inflation. I know I am, but it’s a very real thing. And fashion—especially luxury fashion—hasn’t been spared. First things first, designer handbags are obviously hardly a necessity, and inflation is a much bigger problem when it comes to things like rising food, gas, and lodging prices. But if you are in the market for a designer bag, the significantly higher prices compared to last year can be a tough pill to swallow. I certainly don’t love paying more for something I could have gotten for a few hundred dollars less (in some designer-bag cases) a year ago, but it is what it is, unfortunately.

I can’t change the price of designer handbags, but what I can do is offer advice on which ones are still worth the money if you’re in the market for a bag. Whenever I invest in a designer bag, I’m sure to choose one that I’m positive I’ll wear for years and that won’t look dated in a few seasons. All of these fit that criteria and are just plain chic and cool. Keep scrolling to shop my investment-worthy bag recommendations.

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