New polling shows that voters are increasingly frustrated by Derrick Van Orden’s Project 2025 agenda to raise taxes on working families, restrict reproductive freedom nationwide, cut Medicare, and kill jobs.

Previous polling has shown that month by month, voters are growing more familiar with Project 2025 and disliking it more and more. In fact, half of all battleground voters polled dislike Project 2025 as they continue to hear more about it. 

REMINDER: Van Orden is already working to implement this extreme agenda. He believes life begins at conception and has compared abortion to genocide, has votedrepeatedly to cut Social Security and Medicare, and wants to give a massive tax cut to big corporations and the ultra wealthy.

DCCC Spokesperson Mallory Payne:
“Derrick Van Orden can’t hide from the fact that he has wholeheartedly embraced a dangerous agenda that is deeply out of touch with Wisconsinites. Families in WI-03 want lower costs, their freedoms protected, and good-paying jobs, not Van Orden’s extreme plan to raise their taxes and rip away their rights – and that’s why they’ll vote him out of office.” 

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