SIOUX FALLS S.D. (KELO) — Mitchell’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) could be downscaling their ambulance services.

Mitchell EMS covers areas of rural Davidson and Hanson counties that include Alexandria, Emery, Ethan, Farmer, Fulton and Mount Vernon. 

That coverage could be changing as the city of Mitchell stated that effective January 1, 2026, they will no longer provide EMS outside of city limits unless there is a way to fund six more employees to help cover those services.

Both Davidson and Hanson counties will hold a special election that, if passed, would create an ambulance district between the two counties.

South Dakota doesn’t designate emergency medical services as essential, so the state isn’t required to provide or fund them.

Davidson County Auditor Kathy Wingert said that this is primarily a funding issue.

“The city has ran in the red for many, many years with the ambulance,” she said. “Hanson County provides $5,000 and that’s essentially it, other than the city taxes that help maintain the ambulance.”

According to the Hanson County website, the city of Mitchell is asking for $700,000 which will pay for six employees. This covers their payroll, benefits, gear, and training. In 2024, there were a total of 208 emergency calls outside the city of Mitchell with Davison having 125 calls and Hanson having 83 calls.

Voting in the district would create an ambulance board that would determine what the tax levy would be. State Statute 34-11A-19 says that it has to be done by a general tax levy against all taxable real property located within the district.

A yes vote would create a tax levy to pay for the additional employees and would create an ambulance district that would contain both counties.

A no vote would deny the ambulance district from being created.

A town hall discussing the proposed ambulance district will be at 3 p.m. on March 23 at Mount Vernon City Hall and at 6 p.m. at the Ethan Community Center.

Voting will take place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on April 22, and is open to all residents in the two counties except those who live within Mitchell city limits.

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