(Photo courtesy of U.S. Army)

Rep. Eli Crane has reintroduced a bill that would restore the Second Amendment rights of more than 260,000 veterans who he says have had their constitutional rights have been infringed.

Rep. Crane’s bill clarifies that any veteran who was reported to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) by a VA fiduciary was done so incorrectly in violation of their constitutional rights.

It also forces the VA Secretary to instruct the Attorney General to remove these veterans from the NICS list.

“Under President Biden, the VA’s corrupt system violated the rights of roughly 270,000 veterans. These actions exemplified the previous administration’s blatant disregard for our nation’s heroes,” said Crane. “Thankfully, we now have strong leadership back in the White House. It’s critical that we officially codify the rights of these veterans and ensure this never happens again. If bureaucrats are willing to do this to those who served our nation in uniform, there’s no telling where they’ll draw the line.”

According to Crane, the VA has frequently been “complicit in disarming veterans, particularly through the practice of submitting their data to the FBI’s NICS system following the appointment of a fiduciary. Veterans have lost trust in the VA, deterring them from seeking care.”

Crane hopes the legislation will safeguard veterans’ constitutional rights by ensuring they are not subjected to “unjust disarmament when seeking assistance from the VA.”

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