IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK/KXPI) – Coats for kids in this dangerous cold weather.

Winter will be safer for kids in our area thanks to operation warm.   

Wackerli Subaru partnered with the united way to provide 200 brand new coats for kids.    and there was a lot of excitement….

“I love it”

Arial Howard, Community Impact Director explained, “Tonight is all about getting coats out to kids in the community. Idaho winters are cold and this week is brutal. so we’re so excited that subaru’s decided to partner with us and bring this exciting event to Idaho Falls. And we’re just opening up our doors, our warehouse, our office space, letting families come in. Subaru brought the coats, and we’re making sure that kids have a coat so that they’re safe, happy and warm.,

Chad Mahoney, Love Promise Champion from Wackerli Subaru told us, “It’s something that we all look forward to. Bringing just a little bit of extra help and a little bit of joy to these little guys. It’s a big deal for us. I mean, if you haven’t seen, we have a lot of people here from subaru, and we are really committed to helping the community it’s something that we all look forward to. Bringing just a little bit of extra help and a little bit of joy to these little guys. It’s a big deal for us. I mean, if you haven’t seen, we have a lot of people here from subaru, and we are really committed to helping the community.”

In addition, families were invited to grab winter snow boots, gloves, and handmade toboggans and some books from the United Way’s supply warehouse. This is the 2nd year for Subaru’s Operation Warm.

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