CNN’s Scott Jennings is participating in Trump’s inauguration celebrations, but he did find the time to offer some commentary on his network about how he sees things in national politics right now.

Jennings suggested that Trump is now at the peak of his power, and noted that his popularity is higher now than ever before.

He also used the opportunity to remind his CNN colleagues that Joe Biden and the Democrats lied repeatedly to the American people and that voters knew this.

Partial transcript via Eric Daugherty on Twitter/X:

SCOTT JENNINGS: Trump is now at the peak of his power. Biden’s legacy is giving us Trump 2.0. And he broke his promises: said he would be honest – he wasn’t. He was gonna be moderate – he wasn’t. He was gonna ‘restore the soul of the nation’ – he didn’t. His entire record – it’s gonna be hard to make any comeback.

PANELIST: I’m really proud of the work Biden did for our country.

JENNINGS: I’ve gotta say. I’m on my way to a ball – I think you’ve been out to one already. I’d like to get into whatever you’re drinking.

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Jennings got some compliments on his snazzy attire.

The Daily Mail reported:

Scott Jennings wowed liberal CNN with his ‘dapper’ tuxedo in an appearance before he went out to enjoy the festivities surrounding Donald Trump’s inauguration this weekend.

The conservative pundit – affectionately referred to as the ‘black sheep’ of the left-leaning network – was on for multiple segments to debate long-time Democrat strategist Paul Begala Saturday.

As the pair hashed it out with anchor Jessica Dean over Joe Biden’s legacy and Trump’s plan for mass deportations, both Dean and Begala made note of Jennings’ formalwear.

‘Scott, I want to get your thoughts on that but I just looked into the monitor and I saw you’re wearing a tuxedo, I want to get your thoughts on that later as well,’ Dean joked.

Begala chucked and quipped: ‘He’s a handsome devil!’

Jennings was the breakout conservative media star of 2024. If the people who run CNN had any common sense, they’d give Jennings his own primetime show.

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