Dear Eric: Throughout our marriage my husband has had trysts online and in person. When I became aware of this, I began the process of leaving but then was diagnosed with cancer and my focus completely changed from leaving to surviving.

Now my children, a teen and preteen, have become aware of my husband’s infidelity. My daughter saw my husband kissing another woman about a year ago. She’s only now shared this.

I’m scared to leave. I am an independent contractor so I don’t have my own health insurance, plus neither of us could financially survive a divorce.

Most importantly, even with his infidelity, I love him and the life we have together. I know he’ll never leave, but he also isn’t going to stop cheating.

My children aren’t bitter toward their father but continue to make comments that I should leave and that I need to have some self-respect.

Do I continue to ignore these remarks? Or do I have a hard adult conversation with them and explain that even when there is infidelity there can still be love?

— Trapped at Home

Dear Home: I am so sorry that you’re going through this complicated time. You deserve care and support. I’m sorry you’re not getting either.

It’s time for a conversation with your kids. Your husband needs to take an active role in this.

Tell him that it’s up to him to own up to his actions and have a mature talk with the kids about their misplaced shaming. He should do this part on his own, this isn’t your burden to share and the kids need to get that.

It will be a good lesson for your children about what self-respect actually is. (Here’s the CliffsNotes version: You do have self-respect and you’re facing impossible choices.)

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