The Ironkids, the junior counterpart to the renowned Ironman series, returns on April 20 at The Reef Island Resort in Mactan, Cebu as the event continues to hope to inspire a new generation of triathletes.
An aquathlon event will have participants aged 6 to 15 vying for top honors in various age-group divisions. Also to be disputed are relay and mixed relay titles.
The event’s swim and run courses, transition area, and finish line will be held at The Reef Island Resort, ensuring a convenient and secure location, as families attending the race weekend can also indulge in the resort’s amenities.
Princess Galura, regional director of the organizing The Ironman Group Philippines, emphasizes the pivotal role of the Ironkids event in nurturing the interest of Cebuano youth in sports and fostering a healthy, sporty lifestyle.
“Over the past 10 years, Ironkids has positively impacted the Cebuano youth, serving as a stepping stone towards a future in sports and encouraging a healthy, sporty lifestyle,” said Galura.