Are Fisheries Ready for Climate Change?
[ad_1] Take Action for Climate-Ready Fisheries The ocean has buffered our planet from the impacts of climate change, absorbing much of the carbon dioxide we’ve emitted and a substantial amount…
[ad_1] Take Action for Climate-Ready Fisheries The ocean has buffered our planet from the impacts of climate change, absorbing much of the carbon dioxide we’ve emitted and a substantial amount…
[ad_1] Citation: Cira, M., Bafna, A., Lee, C. M., Kong, Y., Holt, B., Ginger, L., … & Jay, J. A. (2022). Turbidity and fecal indicator bacteria in recreational marine waters…
[ad_1] Allow me to introduce you to lantern sharks. These small guys live in the deep sea up to the depth of more than a mile. They get their name…
[ad_1] Glidden, Caroline K., Field, Laurel C., Bachhuber, Silke, Hennessey, Shannon M., Cates, Robyn, Cohen, Lesley, Crockett, Elin, et al. 2022. “ Strategies for Managing Marine Disease.” Ecological Applications 32( 7): e2643. ****** Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs, novel diseases in…
[ad_1] Attention: Your browser is no longer supported and will not receive any further security updates. Websites may no longer display or behave correctly as they have in the past.…
[ad_1] I was lucky to grow up around Cook Inlet in Alaska, and the region is still my home. In our local Dena’ina language the inlet is called Tikahtnu, which…
[ad_1] Silva, Tammy L., et al. “Exploring the Use of Seabirds as a Dynamic Ocean Management Tool to Mitigate Anthropogenic Risk to Large Whales.” Frontiers in Marine Science (2022): 861.…
[ad_1] Fujiwara Y, Tsuchida S, Kawato M, Masuda K, Sakaguchi SO, Sado T, Miya M and Yoshida T (2022) Detection of the Largest Deep-Sea-Endemic Teleost Fish at Depths of Over…
[ad_1] Now you see them. Now you don’t. Or do you …? Animals use camouflage in several ways, including to hide from or trick hungry predators and to attract and…
[ad_1] Pereira, T. J., Castellões, P. V., & Netto, S. A. (2022). Amazon River discharge impacts deep-sea meiofauna. Limnology and Oceanography, 14. Any water source within the yellow outline…