Offensive coordinator Drew Petzing said Murray’s health in the offseason allowed for the Cardinals to concentrate on Murray’s strengths and weaknesses, his likes and dislikes. That wasn’t feasible during the season, when Murray returned and the team had only a few days to be ready for the next game.

But Petzing said the “dry run” of Murray’s half-season did allow the coaches to see, perhaps not that Murray was capable of doing something but perhaps executed it better than expected. That played into building out the offense further for this season.

For instance, Murray’s ability to play under center and keep the ball for a run or pass caught Petzing’s attention, as did the way Murray embraced the concept.

Murray doesn’t surprise himself. And he notes that the current coaches did not get to see him enough before he got to the field.

“They get a glimpse of it but do they really understand what type of player I can fully be?” Murray said. “As a coach you can be surprised, or at least that’s what I would like to do, surprise them with how good of a player I can be. I take that as a compliment.”

Through the team’s 2022 struggles and the 2023 rehab and limitations for the QB, it has gotten lost what weapon Murray can be for an offense that is clicking overall.

“If not everything is perfect,” wide receiver Michael Wilson said, “Kyler can make it right.”

Wilson was another of the players who was at the L.A. workouts. “It gave college vibes,” Wilson said, and that’s fine with Murray, especially if he can have the success he had in college.

Asked what he hoped the workouts would turn into, Murray was blunt. “Wins.”

“It sounds cliché, it’s been five years going on six, haven’t won yet,” Murray said. “Yeah, the sense of urgency is definitely there.”

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