Skies are clearing and we are off to a chilly start to this Monday morning! Out-the-door temperatures will start in the upper 20s, with wind chills in the lower 20s. Winds are relatively light and bright sunshine is expected at sunrise (7:53 a.m.).

Bright skies will remain through the day, as a steady climb in temperatures is expected. Back to seasonal highs today for your St. Patrick’s Day, with south winds at 7-13 mph. A coat or jacket will be needed throughout the day.

Tuesday (tomorrow) will be the warmest of the week, as south winds increase and warmth builds through the afternoon, with highs around 70°. Dry weather holds and plenty of sunshine should be expected all day…enjoy!

Showers return late Wednesday afternoon, as we remain mild but soon become unsettled. Rain chances will continue through Thursday for the first day of spring (5:01 a.m.), and may mix with a few flurries at times, as temperatures cool.

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