BRANDON, S.D. (KELO) — Brandon Valley High School has a longtime tradition of raising money for a good cause throughout homecoming week. But this year, they’re doing something extra special.

“So, we wanted to do something special, especially for Ashlin since she is a fellow senior. And so, we kind of like slowly took like some ideas and then I just kind of like ran with it, I guess,” said Brandon Valley senior Bella Rivero.

Students organized a penny drive with five buckets, each one representing a different teacher. The two teachers with the most money in their bucket at the end of homecoming week will have a dance battle. All proceeds will go towards Ashlin Carlson, who broke her neck in a car crash this past summer.

“What I think is really cool, we had students that are willing to step up and serve other students because that, above all, academics, algebra, biology, we want kids to be good people. And that’s what’s coming through with this, which is neat to see,” said Assistant Principal Jordan Paula.

Following the crash, Ashlin Carlson was moved to a facility in Omaha. She has been there for over two months now, working towards recovery. She says her sister sent her the Instagram post announcing the fundraiser.

“I had a good support system through this whole situation and it’s crazy because you don’t really realize how many people you have surrounding you until something big happens. So when she sent me that I was not super shocked,” said Carlson.

Despite the long road ahead, one of her best friends says Ashlin remains hopeful.

“She’s very positive. Even after all of this, she’s still like one of the most positive people I know,” said Bailey Ritter, Ashlin’s friend and a fellow senior.

Assistant Principal Jordan Paula says he is proud of the students who came up with the idea, and everyone involved.

“That’s the goosebumps moment that you want in education. Some days you don’t see it. But to really have our kids come through and show their true character and to have 1400 kids, generally speaking, want to get involved with that, that’s really cool,” said Paula.

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