lake pleasant
Lake Pleasant Scorpion Bay Marina

The body of a man pulled out of Lake Pleasant over the weekend appears to match the description of a man reported missing in February.

According to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, Glen Alan Keer, age 62, went missing after he went to Lake Pleasant Regional Park on February 26.

On March 15, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) got a report of a dead body floating in the area of Jackass Cove-Lake Pleasant Regional Park, in Peoria. MCSO deputies responded by water and located a male floating face down along the shoreline. The body was not able to be positively identified due to heavy amounts of decomposition, however, it is Keer as he is about the same height, weight, demographic and is the only
missing person at the lake.

The body was conveyed to the medical examiner for further examination and positive identification.

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