Border facility, Texas

The Biden Regime is now considering detaining migrant families who cross over the border illegally.

Title 42, a Trump-era policy used by President Trump in 2020 to expel migrants seeking asylum during the Covid pandemic is about to end.

Biden is now reversing course after more than 5 million illegal aliens have crossed the border since he was sworn into office in January 2021.

Open borders advocates are furious because the new measures could effectively disqualify the majority of illegals from seeking asylum.

“Ending the inhumane practice of family detention has been one of the only positive immigration policy decisions of the Biden administration,” said Leecia Welch, a lead lawyer in the case that led to the 1997 Flores settlement, which limits the time children can spend in detention and establishes minimum standards for holding facilities, The New York Times reported.

“It is heartbreaking to hear there could be a return to the Trump-era use of this practice,” she said.

The New York Times reported:

The Biden administration is considering reviving the practice of detaining migrant families who cross the border illegally — the same policy the president shut down over the past two years because he wanted a more humane immigration system, officials familiar with the discussions said Monday.

Although no final decision has been made, the move would be a stark reversal for President Biden, who came into office promising to adopt a more compassionate approach to the border after his predecessor, former President Donald J. Trump, introduced a series of harsh immigration policies.

The Biden administration has largely ended the practice of family detention, instead releasing families into the United States temporarily and using ankle bracelets, traceable cellphones or other methods to keep track of them.

But the administration has turned to more restrictive measures as it struggles to quell a rise in migrants fleeing authoritarian governments and economic ruin in their countries. Officials also fear a surge at the border after May 11, when a public health measure that has allowed authorities to swiftly expel migrants expires.

Mr. Biden’s tough new measures, including a crackdown announced last month that could disqualify a vast majority of migrants from being able to seek asylum at the southern border, have infuriated advocates who say the president is breaking campaign promises and embracing a Trump-era approach to immigration.

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