The idea for a cover illustration of Wisconsin-themed Christmas cookies was one we’ve been kicking around for a while — we just needed to find the right artist for it. Isthmus art director Tommy Washbush tapped Cristian Velazquez-Avila for the job. “Cristian is a very low-key, subtle illustrator,” says Tommy. “He loves quiet scenes, still life, and tasteful texture, so he seemed like a great option for this theme.”
Before settling on the cookie theme, however, Cristian worked up a number of holiday-themed ideas, all with a very minimal vibe, including a platter of milk and cookies, a deer stand, ice fishing, and an intimate family gathering. “Ultimately the cookie concept seemed to match his aesthetic the best, and offered the most fun possibilities,” says Tommy.
Cristian graduated from Madison College in 2023 with a degree in graphic design and illustration. He used Photoshop for the sketches and Adobe Illustrator for the final design. See more of his work on his website at or on Instagram @cvelazquezdesigns.