John Steiner [Photo courtesy Bullhead City Police Department]

A bank robbery suspect inadvertently turned himself into Bullhead City Police officers when he reported a crime he claimed was committed in response to his crime.

According to the Bullhead City Police Department, they posted surveillance footage photographs from two recent bank robberies on social media. The suspect and his vehicle matched a bank robbery committed on January 3rd in Bullhead City to another bank robbery committed one week later in Kingman. Mohave Silent Witness offered a joint reward of $1,000 for any information leading to the arrest of the Bullhead City and Kingman bank robber.

Shortly after the social media post, Bullhead City detectives received a tip from a citizen who reported they knew the man – identified as John Steiner – and confirmed Steiner’s truck positively matched the surveillance pictures.

As detectives were working on a search warrant, Steiner came into the Bullhead City Police lobby to report a weapons offense at approximately 9 p.m. Steiner wanted to report that someone pointed a gun at him, accusing him that he was the “bank robber” that was posted on social media.

Steiner was taken into custody for robbery.

Detectives executed a search warrant into his truck, which he drove to the police department, and located all the clothing, including sunglasses, hat and masks, that matched what he wore during the two bank robberies. Police also found the notes he used in the bank robberies demanding money from the bank tellers.

Steiner was booked into the Mohave County Jail in Kingman.

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