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Ballots are about to land in your mailboxes, so if you remain undecided, you might want to check the Arizona Clean Election Commission’s debates.

With the exception of the governor’s race, due to gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs refusing to participate, the Arizona Clean Election Commission has hosted candidate forums for most of the important races. The moderators have not always been fair, but at least the debates give voters a small glimpse at their choices.


US Senate
Candidates: Blake Masters, Marc Victor, Mark Kelly


Corporation Commissioner
Candidates: Kevin Thompson, Lauren Kuby, Nick Myers, Sandra Kennedy

Superintendent of Public Instruction
Candidates: Kathy Hoffman, Thomas Horne

Secretary of State
Candidates: Adrian Fontes, Mark Finchem

Attorney General
Candidates: Abraham Hamadeh, Kris Mayes

Candidates: Kimberly Yee, Martin Quezada


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