az capitol

On this 117th day of our 100-day legislature, members of this body are still on light-duty status, or so it may appear. Actually, this is not the fault of the vast majority of legislators, who are feverishly trying to get some of the pending bills to the governor and also trying to put together a budget. But all it takes is for one republican to join the democrats and progress is paralyzed. We have discussed the details of this situation ad nauseam, so we won’t do it again.

With very few exceptions, progress in the areas important to conservatives has been very minimal. Two of those bills are still hopelessly mired in the senate:

HB2495 – schools; sexually explicit materials; prohibition

HB2617 – voter registration; cancellations; causes

It may be worthwhile to contact senators and request that these bills be advanced.

The bad news continues with the defeat of this COVID related bill:

HB2371 – enforcement prohibition; vaccinations; requirements

It failed 13-13 in the senate as the result of Boyer and Ugenti-Rita joining the democrats with their NO votes. Those two senators are getting very good at thumbing their noses at fellow republicans. Fortunately, the effect of this defeat is not as devastating as it could have been because a similar bill, HB2498 has been signed into law by the governor.

Turning our attention to the governor, there is some good news to report. Of the 223 bills that have been sent to him, 222 have been signed. Among the most recently signed batch, we find:

HB2439 – (NOW: school library; review; policy)

SB1009 – state of emergency; executive powers

Both bills are very important, but SB1009 is perhaps more so because it drastically changes the balance of power between the legislature and the governor. It pretty much puts an end to the dictatorial powers of the governor when there is a medical emergency.

But, how about next week? Well, based on information published on the AZLEG website, there will be no activity next week. We will have to wait and see.

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