Getting to know our students is one of the most important aspects of creating a great classroom culture. One of the easiest ways to do this is to build opportunities for conversation and sharing into the normal routines and procedures you’ll use every day. Our friends at Starr Commonwealth believe that building positive relationships with students is vital for helping students become resilient, positive young adults. These attendance questions for high school and middle school are a perfect way to do that.

What are attendance questions?

Attendance questions are fun but thought-provoking questions that every student can answer and discuss. They are most often used at the beginning of class as a bell-ringer activity or as a way to take attendance. Attendance questions are a great transition tool since it signals to students that class has begun and they need to start preparing for learning.

What types of questions are in the slideshow?

The questions in the slideshow are specifically chosen because of the quick but engaging conversations they’ll spark between you and your students. Here’s a breakdown of some of the question types:

  • Questions about school and learning: This is great information to have as you develop rapport with individual students.
  • Questions about values and communication: These questions ask what they care about, what makes them feel valued and seen, and how they like to communicate. As a teacher, these insights are invaluable.
  • Questions about favorites and fun: Finally, many of the questions are just fun and/or silly. They ask about favorite foods or music, what animal best fits students’ moods that morning, and more. They’re perfect for getting even the most reluctant teen sharing and interacting in your class discussion.

Here are a few questions to help you get a feel of what this is all about:

If you could get rid of one school rule, what would it be and why?

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned in school that wasn’t taught by a teacher?

Do you believe social media helps people maintain their friendships? Why or why not?

What do you believe sets your generation apart and makes it unique?

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