Sen. Shawnna Bolick

If you drive past 32nd Street and Greenway Parkway, you will see my photo on a billboard (along with three other Republican elected officials).  Not a billboard I paid for, but an attack ad produced by the Left, criticizing me for my work for parental choice.  What a tribute to my effectiveness!

I am a recognized champion for school choice. I have spent my entire adult life working for educational freedom across this country.  In fact, in 1999, I met my husband while I was working at The Heritage Foundation on school choice. I repeatedly sponsored and backed bills that led to universal school choice.  This year, the Republican legislative majority protected school choice against a Democrat governor who is determined to kill it.

Actions speak louder than hollow rhetoric. I have a solid conservative record with a long list of legislative accomplishments. I have championed school choice, election integrity, low taxes, limited government, Second Amendment rights, parental rights, fought human trafficking, inflation, and more.

Following my victory to the Arizona House in November 2018, the House leadership appointed me to serve on the Committee on Elections, where I fought for election integrity. During COVID, liberals pushed for an all-mail-in ballot election.  We successfully stopped that effort and preserved the right to vote in-person.  One liberal pundit called for all Republicans to be shot and killed if we didn’t support that effort.

After the November 2020 election, over the course of two months my legislative office received more than 57,000+ emails about the election. I signed every official letter calling for an election audit necessary to help uncover any potential fraud in the 2020 election and weaknesses in our election process for the purpose of protecting the integrity of our elections and restoring voters’ confidence.

In my second term in the House, I sponsored dozens of election integrity bills that would help secure our elections, including

  • HB 2359 securing electronic voting machines SIGNED
  • HB 2364 and HB 2431 reforms of bond election processes, including strengthening ID requirements for individuals making statements on behalf of school district override, initiative, and bond elections SIGNED, and changing requirements for pamphlet submittals SIGNED
  • HB 2569 prohibiting the state from receiving private money to fund its elections SIGNED
  • HB 2905 requiring an early ballot to be requested explicitly by the voter for that election before an early ballot may be mailed SIGNED
  • HB 2794 I sponsored a bill stopping last-minute changes to election dates and deadlines outlined in statute SIGNED

This legislative session, while serving in the Senate, I sponsored a bill to ban foreign donations in our elections. It passed the Senate, but the House Chairman on Elections refused to even hold a hearing on this critical legislation.  Foreign donors have been getting involved the past few election cycles and this bill would have prevented foreign donations in our election administration to influence the outcome of our state’s elections.  We revived the bill during the last few weeks of session as a ballot referral, but sadly, we were missing a Republican senator during the vote, so the bill died.

Prior to getting elected, I was involved in the effort to stop the food tax in Phoenix.  It was a natural fit to be assigned as Vice Chair of the House Committee on Ways and Means for two years, and then, Chairman my last two years where I stopped every proposed tax increase.

In 2019, I sponsored a bill to pre-empt municipalities like Phoenix from taxing food for human consumption.  It passed out of committee.  Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough Republicans in support of it to pass and not a single Democrat would support it.  This bill would have countered inflation before Biden even took office!

In 2022, as Chairman of Ways and Means, I championed a bill to get rid of the residential rental tax. We got it out of committee, and it passed the House. Unfortunately, a Republican senator killed it.

In 2019, I was able to secure grant funding to help survivors of human trafficking.  In 2021, I worked with Attorney General Brnovich to give victims of human and sex trafficking the right to take civil action and address the host of related physical and mental damages that occur because of being trafficked. HB 2116 received unanimous support and was signed by Governor Ducey. This session I sponsored a ballot referral (Proposition 313) to put individuals who traffic minors away in prison for natural life – please vote for it!

I sponsored HB2191 to address medical freedom and parental rights issues reaffirming that parents remain the sole health care decision makers over their minor children, and I sponsored a bill preventing schools from refusing enrollment to kids who were not immunized for COVID.  That language was added to another bill and signed into law.

As some aliens with criminal backgrounds illegally cross our border, my liberal taxpayer-funded primary opponent wants to give these criminals a pathway to citizenship and the ability to vote in our elections.  There isn’t a difference between him and Joe Biden when it comes to illegals entering our country. Not only have I voted to fund border security in the FY 2022-23 budget and to send a ballot referral to Secure our Borders to Arizona voters this fall, but I have also worked hard to ensure only American citizens vote in our elections.

I got the job done as a state representative for four years working across the aisle affording me successful legislative outcomes.  Even in 2024 with a divided government, I was able to get common sense legislation signed by this governor.

It has been an honor to fill the remainder of State Senator Kaiser’s legislative term representing LD2. I have won in this district, and I will again. I will never back down from what is right.  I am the most electable Republican who can win this swing district in November.  I look forward to receiving your support.

Rest assured, Arizonans know that I will continue to work for the people because I am just getting started.  I humbly ask for your vote if you reside in Legislative District 2.  Please visit my website at to learn more.

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