A list of wild animals names with pictures and facts. Start your exploration of the animal kingdom here!

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Whether you’re interested in learning the English names of well-known animals, or you want to learn more about animals and the animal kingdom in general, then you’ve come to the right place!

Below is a list of animal names containing famous animals from all around the world. For each animal, you’ll find a picture, interesting facts, and links to further information.

Further Reading

  • Visit our main animals page for links to animal information and a complete guide to the animal kingdom: Animals
  • Discover amazing animals from all around the world: Animals Around The World
  • Discover animals from different habitats on this page: Animal Habitats
  • You can find out more about the different types of animals on this page: Types of Animals

Animals Names


American Alligator
American Alligator

Type of animal: Reptile

Where found: North America, parts of China (Asia)

There are two living species of alligator: the American alligator and the Chinese alligator. These large, semi-aquatic reptiles characterized by a long, armored body, broad snout, and muscular tail. They primarily reside in freshwater environments like swamps, marshes, and rivers.

Alligators are ambush predators, feeding on a variety of prey from fish to mammals.

Although they resemble crocodiles, alligators can be distinguished by their wider, U-shaped snouts and the fact that only their upper teeth show when their mouths are closed.

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American Alligator Facts, Pictures & In-Depth Information

Discover different types of reptiles on this page: Types of Reptiles


Bullet Ant
Bullet ant – a Central and South American species of ant with an extremely painful sting.

Type of animal: Insect

Where found: Worldwide (except Antarctica)

Ants are incredibly diverse and adaptable insects, known to inhabit a vast range of environments. They are eusocial, meaning they live in organized colonies in which labor is divided among different types of ants. Workers forage for food and protect and clean the nest, queens lay eggs, and drones (the only males in the colony) have wings and mate with queens.

Ants are renowned for their intricate communication methods and their ability to carry loads many times their own weight. Some species farm fungi, herd aphids, or even raid other ant colonies.

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You can find out more about insects on this page: Insects – The Ultimate Guide

Leafcutter Ant Facts

Bullet Ant Facts


Female Brown Bear With Cubs
Brown bear with cubs

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: North America, South America, Europe, Asia

Bears are large, powerful mammals with thick fur and strong claws. Their diet varies widely based on species and habitat—ranging from the almost entirely herbivorous panda to the predominantly carnivorous polar bear. Bears are generally solitary animals, living and hunting alone. Hibernation is common among species that live in colder climates.

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Discover all eight bears on this page: Types of Bears with Pictures & Facts


European honey bee on flower
European honey bee

Type of animal: Insect

Where found: Worldwide (except some remote islands and extreme northern and southern latitudes)

Bees are flying insects vital to the pollination of many plants, ensuring the production of fruits and seeds. There are thousands of bee species, ranging from solitary to those that live in large colonies, like honeybees. They’re distinguished by their two pairs of wings, pollen baskets, and often their stingers. Honeybees are known for producing honey and beeswax.

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Honey Bee Facts

You can find out more about insects on this page: Insects – The Ultimate Guide


Hercules Beetle
Hercules Beetle, Dynastes hercules photographed in Ecuador.

Type of animal: Insect

Where found: Worldwide

Beetles are a diverse group of insects with more species than any other order in the animal kingdom. They’re easily identified by their hard wing cases, or elytra, which protect the delicate flight wings underneath.

Beetles occupy nearly every ecological niche, from deserts to freshwater lakes, and serve roles ranging from decomposers to predators.

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Beetle Facts – A Complete Guide To Beetles


Tricolored Blackbird

Type of animal: Bird

Where found: Worldwide

Birds are a diverse and fascinating group of warm-blooded vertebrates characterized by feathers, beaks, and typically the ability to fly (though not all birds fly, such as ostriches and penguins).

Birds reproduce by laying hard-shelled eggs and have an unparalleled global presence—from urban environments to remote wilderness.

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You can find out more about birds on this page: Birds – The Ultimate Guide

Discover different types of birds on this page: Types of Birds


Domestic Cat
Domestic cat

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Worldwide (domesticated cats); wild cats are native to various regions.

Cats are carnivorous mammals belonging to the mammal family Felidae known for their agility and grace. Domesticated cats, often kept as companions, have been close to humans for thousands of years.

The ocelot, a wild cat of the Americas

Wild cat species range from the majestic lions and tigers to the elusive ocelots and lynxes. Regardless of size, all cats are known for their keen hunting abilities and retractable claws.

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You can see EVERY species of cat on this page: Wild Cats Species List with Pictures and Facts


Blue Land Crab
Blue Land Crab

Type of animal: Crustacean

Where found: Worldwide, primarily in oceans, freshwater habitats, and on land near the coast.

Crabs are decapod crustaceans known for their distinct appearance with a broad carapace, stalked eyes, and two large claws. While most crabs are marine dwellers, some have adapted to freshwater or terrestrial habitats. They have a unique sideways walk and play vital roles in the ecosystem as scavengers and predators.

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You can find out more about crustaceans on this page: Crustaceans – The Ultimate Guide


Saltwater Crocodile
Saltwater Crocodile

Type of animal: Reptile

Where found: Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australia

Crocodiles are predatory, semiaquatic reptiles with long bodies, armored skin and elongated snouts filled with sharp teeth. They inhabit a mix of freshwater and saltwater habitats, laying eggs in nests built on land. The largest crocodile species – the fearsome saltwater crocodile – is also the world’s largest living reptile.

Ambush hunters, crocodiles wait patiently for prey to approach before launching rapid, surprise attacks. Their armored skin and incredibly strong jaw force are among their defining features.

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American Crocodile Facts, Pictures & In-Depth Information

Saltwater Crocodile Facts

Nile Crocodile Facts

List Of Crocodiles In Africa: Pictures, Facts & Information


Carrion Crow
Carrion Crow

Type of animal: Bird

Where found: North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia

Crows are part of the corvid family, Corvidae, a group of birds renowned for their intelligence and adaptability.

With glossy black feathers and a distinct call, crows can be found in a range of habitats, from dense forests to urban centers. Crows are omnivorous, feeding on seeds, fruits, insects, and even carrion. Their problem-solving abilities, tool use, and complex social structures put them among the most intelligent of all animals.

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You can find out more about birds on this page: Birds – The Ultimate Guide

Discover different types of birds on this page: Types of Birds


German Shepherd Dog Alsatian
German Shepherd Dog, or Alsatian

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Worldwide (domesticated); wild relatives like wolves are found in various regions.

The word dog refers to any member of the Canidae family, but is most often used to refer to the domestic dog – a subspecies of wolf that was domesticated thousands of years ago.

Dogs have been bred by humans to perform various roles, including hunting, herding, protection, and companionship. They come in a wide variety of breeds, each with unique physical and temperamental characteristics. Known for their loyalty and intelligence, dogs are often referred to as “man’s best friend.”

The coyote is a wild dog species found in North America.

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You can find out more about dogs on this page: Dog Facts

You can see EVERY species of dog on this page: Wild Dog Species List with Pictures and Facts


Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Oceans worldwide, some freshwater rivers and lakes

Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales and porpoises. They are known for their high intelligence, playful behavior, and complex social structures. Most species have a streamlined body and a pronounced beak-like snout.

Dolphins use echolocation for hunting and navigating and are often seen leaping above the water’s surface or riding waves produced by boats. They primarily feed on fish and squid.

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You can see pictures and facts on EVERY species of dolphin on this page: Types of Dolphins

Discover more about cetaceans on this page: Cetaceans – A Complete Guide To Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises


Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle

Type of animal: Bird

Where found: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia

Eagles are large birds of prey with a reputation for their keen eyesight and powerful hunting abilities. They are characterized by their hooked beaks, strong talons, and broad wings. Often considered symbols of freedom and strength, they hold significant cultural and symbolic meanings in various societies.

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You can find out more about birds on this page: Birds – The Ultimate Guide

Discover different types of birds on this page: Types of Birds


Electric eel
Electric eel

Type of animal: Fish

Where found: Worldwide, in both freshwater and marine environments

Eels are elongated fishes that can range from tiny to several feet long. Many species are nocturnal and some are migratory, traveling between marine and freshwater habitats.

The electric eel, a species found in freshwater habitats in South America, is capable of generating electric shocks.

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You can find out more about fish on this page: Fish – The Ultimate Guide

Discover different types of fish on this page: Types of Fish

Electric Eel Facts: Pictures, Information & Video


African bush elephant and calf
African bush elephant and calf

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Africa (African elephants) and Asia (Asian elephants)

Elephants are land mammals known for their large size, impressive trunks, large ears, and tusks.

Three elephant species are currently recognized: African bush elephant, African forest elephant, and Asian elephant.

Elephants are highly social animals, the females living in matriarchal herds. Recognized for their intelligence, elephants exhibit a range of complex behaviors including mourning, tool use, and communication.

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Fun Facts on Elephants: Pictures & Information On Elephant Species, Family, Ecology & Conservation

Endangered Elephants: Facts, Threats And Conservation

Indian Elephant Facts For Kids & Adults: Pictures, Information & Video

African Elephant Facts


Sunfish Mola mola
Ocean sunfish, one of the world’s largest bony fish.

Type of animal: Fish

Where found: Worldwide, in freshwater and marine environments

Fish encompass a vast and diverse group of aquatic vertebrate animals that breathe via gills (a handful of fish species breathe using lungs) and propel themselves through the water with fins.

Fish range from tiny species like guppies to massive creatures like sharks and rays. Their adaptations for aquatic life are vast, from flattened bodies for navigating water currents to specialized fins for stability and propulsion.

Bony fish are fish whose skeletons are made of bone. Cartilaginous fish are fish, such as sharks and rays, whose skeletons are made of cartilage.

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You can find out more about fish on this page: Fish – The Ultimate Guide

Discover different types of fish on this page: Types of Fish


American Flamingo
American Flamingo

Type of animal: Bird

Where found: Africa, Asia, the Americas, parts of Europe

Flamingos are wading birds known for their long legs, curved necks, and distinctive pink or reddish-pink feathers. They are often found in large groups and are famous for their habit of standing on one leg. Their unique color comes from the beta-carotene found in their diet.

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Discover different types of birds on this page: Types of Birds

American Flamingo Facts, Pictures, Complete Species Guide



Type of animal: Insect

Where found: Worldwide

Flies belong to the insect order Diptera and are characterized by having two wings (most insects have four). They come in various sizes and paly roles within ecosystems, from the pesky housefly to the blood-sucking mosquito. They play critical roles in decomposition, pollination, and as part of the food web.

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You can find out more about insects on this page: Insects – The Ultimate Guide


Urban Fox
Red fox in an urban habitat.

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia

Foxes are small to medium-sized members of the dog family, Canidae, known for their pointed ears, bushy tails, and cunning behavior. Often portrayed in folklore and stories as sly or clever, foxes are versatile animals adapting to a variety of environments from deserts to icy tundra.

Discover More With Active Wild

You can see EVERY species of dog on this page: Wild Dog Species List with Pictures and Facts

Gray Fox Facts. Discover A Common (But Elusive) Nocturnal American Canid

Fennec Fox Facts: Discover The Original ‘Desert Fox’ & Its Amazing Adaptations For Living In The Desert

Arctic Fox Facts


poison dart frog
The skin of a poison dart frog is brightly-colored to warn predators that it is poisonous.

Type of animal: Amphibian

Where found: Worldwide (except Antarctica)

Frogs are tailless amphibians with smooth, moist skin and powerful, jumping legs. They play a crucial role in the ecosystem, acting as both predators and prey, and their presence often indicates a healthy environment.

Like all amphibians, frogs undergo a process known as metamorphosis, during which they change from being aquatic animals with gills and tails to terrestrial animals with lungs and legs. In its larval form, a frog is known as a tadpole.

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You can find out more about amphibians on this page: Amphibians – The Ultimate Guide

You can discover more amphibians on this page: Amphibians Examples


Mountain Gorilla
Silverback mountain gorilla

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Central Sub-Saharan Africa

Gorillas are the world’s largest primates, known for their impressive strength and gentle nature. They are closely related to humans, with complex social structures and behaviors.

Living in groups led by dominant silverback males, gorillas communicate through a series of vocalizations, gestures, and facial expressions. There are two species of gorilla: eastern gorilla and the western gorilla. A well-known subspecies of eastern gorilla is the mountain gorilla, which is found in mountainous forests in Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Western Gorilla Facts, Pictures & In-Depth Information

Mountain Gorilla Facts, Pictures & Information


Hippopotamus in river

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Sub-Saharan Africa

The hippopotamus, often just called “hippo,” is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal that spends a significant amount of time in water. Hippos have barrel-shaped bodies, large mouths with impressive teeth, and nearly hairless skin. Despite their bulk, they’re swift swimmers and runners. They are known to be territorial within water and can be aggressive.

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Hippo Facts: Learn About The Hippopotamus – For Kids & Adults

Pygmy Hippo Facts


hummingbird drinking nectar
Broad-tailed hummingbird

Type of animal: Bird

Where found: Americas

Hummingbirds are small, vibrantly colored birds known for their rapid wing beats and the ability to hover in place. They have a high metabolism, feeding primarily on nectar, which gives them the energy for their agile aerial maneuvers. Their iridescent feathers and varied patterns make them a favorite among birdwatchers.

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You can find out more about birds on this page: Birds – The Ultimate Guide

Discover different types of birds on this page: Types of Birds


Lions Mane Jellyfish
Lions Mane Jellyfish

Type of animal: Cnidarian

Where found: Oceans worldwide

Jellyfish are soft-bodied marine animals recognized for their umbrella-shaped bells and trailing tentacles. These tentacles can sting, a mechanism used to capture prey or for defense. They range in size from tiny to several feet in diameter. Their translucent, often luminescent, bodies can make for a mesmerizing underwater sight.

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Invertebrates Examples With Pictures & Interesting Facts

Lion’s Mane Jellyfish Facts, Pictures, Information & Video

The Immortal Jellyfish – Meet the Animal That Lives Forever


Red Kangaroo
Red kangaroo, the largest kangaroo species

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Australia

Kangaroos are marsupials best known for their powerful hind legs, used for hopping at high speeds, and for the females’ pouches, in which the young (known as joeys) are carried and nursed.

Although most kangaroos are found in Australia, a number of species are found in New Guinea. The largest species of kangaroo is the red kangaroo. The largest red kangaroos stand up to 2 m (6.56 ft.) tall.

Wallabies, which tend to be smaller than kangaroos, belong to the same family: Macropodidae.

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Kangaroo Information And Facts For Kids

Red Kangaroo Facts For Kids & Adults: Pictures, Information & Video


male lion
The lion is one of the best-known of all wild cat species.

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Africa, Gir Forest in India

Often dubbed the “King of the Jungle,” lions are large members of the cat family Felidae known for their social behavior and the majestic mane of the male.

Lions are social animals, living in prides that consist of related females, their offspring, and a coalition of one or more males. These powerful predators are apex predators in their ecosystems.

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You can see EVERY species of cat on this page: Wild Cats Species List with Pictures and Facts

Lion Facts


Indo-Chinese Forest Lizard

Type of animal: Reptile

Where found: Worldwide (except Antarctica)

Lizards are a diverse group of reptiles, characterized by their scaly skin and often vivid colors or patterns. They vary in size from tiny geckos to the large Komodo dragon. Most lizards are quadrupedal, and many can shed their tails as a defense mechanism.

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Discover different types of lizards on this page: Types of Lizards

Discover different types of reptiles on this page: Types of Reptiles


Common lobster

Type of animal: Crustacean

Where found: Oceans worldwide, especially in colder waters

Lobsters are marine crustaceans known for their strong exoskeletons and large claws. They are nocturnal, spending their days hiding in crevices and coming out to hunt at night. They are a sought-after seafood delicacy and can live for several decades in the wild.

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You can find out more about crustaceans on this page: Crustaceans – The Ultimate Guide


Vervet Monkeys Grooming
Vervet monkeys

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Asia, Africa, Central and South America

Monkeys are primates with a wide range of sizes and habitats. “Old World” monkeys are found in Africa and Asia, with a single species – the Barbary macaque being found in Europe.

Most monkeys – unlike apes, have tails, although some monkey species (including several macaques) do not.

Monkeys are highly social and intelligent animals. Most are omnivorous with varied diets that include fruits, leaves, insects, and small animals.

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You can find out more about monkeys on this page: Monkeys – The Ultimate Guide

Discover different types of monkeys on this page: Types of Monkeys


Wood Mouse
Wood Mouse

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Worldwide

Mice are small, typically nocturnal rodents with pointed snouts, small rounded ears, and long tails. They are often prey for larger animals but are also considered pests in many human habitats due to their tendency to consume stored food and spread diseases.

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You can find out more about rodents on this page: Rodents – The Ultimate Guide


mollusk octopus
Octopuses are among the most intelligent of all invertebrates.

Type of animal: Mollusk

Where found: Oceans worldwide

Octopuses are soft-bodied marine mollusks known for their intelligence, camouflage abilities, and eight long, flexible arms lined with suckers. They are adept hunters, feeding on crustaceans, fish, and other small marine animals. When threatened, they can release a cloud of ink to confuse predators and make a swift escape.

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You can see more ocean animals on this page: Ocean Animals List with Pictures & Facts

Discover more invertebrates on this page: List Of Invertebrates


Common ostriches

Type of animal: Bird

Where found: Africa

The ostrich is the world’s largest bird, known for its long neck and legs. While it can’t fly, it is a fast runner, reaching speeds up to 45 mph. It has large eyes, providing keen vision, and its strong legs can deliver powerful kicks as a defense against predators.

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You can find out more about birds on this page: Birds – The Ultimate Guide

Discover different types of birds on this page: Types of Birds

Common Ostrich Facts


Barn owl close up
Barn owl

Type of animal: Bird

Where found: Worldwide

Owls are birds of prey recognized for their round faces, large eyes, and nocturnal habits. Their excellent night vision and ability to rotate their heads up to 270 degrees, together with the ability to fly almost silently, make them highly effective hunters. Owls primarily feed on small mammals, insects, and other birds.

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You can find out more about birds on this page: Birds – The Ultimate Guide

Discover different types of birds on this page: Types of Birds


giant panda

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Central China

The giant panda, whose name is often shortened to “panda”, is a species of bear known for its distinctive black and white markings. Found only in China, the panda inhabits bamboo forests, the plant forming the bulk of its diet.

Revered in Chinese culture and recognized worldwide, the panda is a symbol of conservation efforts.

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Discover all eight bears on this page: Types of Bears with Pictures & Facts



Brown pelican feeding full pouch
Brown pelican

Type of animal: Bird

Where found: All continents except Antarctica

Pelicans are large water birds known for their long bills and voluminous throat pouches, which they use to scoop up fish. These social birds are often seen in flocks. Eight pelican species are currently recognized.

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Brown Pelican Facts, Pictures, Complete Species Guide

Discover different types of birds on this page: Types of Birds


Brown Rat
The brown rat is a member of the largest rodent family, Muridae.

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Worldwide

Rats are medium-sized, long-tailed rodents related to mice (rats, mice and related rodents such as gerbils are all found in the same family: Muridae).

Highly adaptable, rats can thrive in diverse environments, from cities to countryside. They have been both vilified as pests and respected for their intelligence and sociability.

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You can find out more about rodents on this page: Rodents – The Ultimate Guide


White Rhinoceros
White Rhinoceros

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Africa, parts of Asia

Rhinoceroses, or rhinos, are large herbivores known for their thick skin and one or two horns on their snouts. Three of the six living rhino species are critically endangered due both to poaching for their horns and habitat loss, and all are threatened. Conservation efforts are ongoing to protect the remaining populations.

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White Rhinoceros Facts, Pictures & In-Depth Information

Black Rhino Facts


Barred Tiger Salamander
Barred Tiger Salamander

Type of animal: Amphibian

Where found: North America, Europe, Asia

Salamanders are long-bodied amphibians with smooth, moist skin. Many species have vivid and striking color patterns. They are typically found in damp or aquatic environments, and some possess the remarkable ability to regenerate lost limbs.

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You can find out more about amphibians on this page: Amphibians – The Ultimate Guide

You can discover more amphibians on this page: Amphibians Examples


Deathstalker Scorpion Close Up
The deathstalker scorpion is one of the most venomous scorpion species.

Type of animal: Arachnid

Where found: Worldwide, especially in arid regions

Scorpions are predatory arachnids recognized by their segmented tails that curve over their backs, ending in a venomous stinger. They primarily feed on insects and use their venom to subdue prey and for defense. One of the deadliest scorpion species is the deathstalker scorpion, found in desert areas of North Africa and the Middle East.

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Scorpion Facts

Discover more invertebrates on this page: List Of Invertebrates


Great black backed gull
Great black backed gull – the world’s largest gull.

Type of animal: Bird

Where found: Worldwide

The term “seagull” is a colloquialism that refers to several species of gulls. They are medium to large birds, usually gray or white, often with black markings on the head or wings. Commonly found near coasts, gulls have a varied diet and are known for their adaptability.

The largest living gull species is the greater black backed gull, found on the Atlantic coastlines of North America and Europe.

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You can find out more about birds on this page: Birds – The Ultimate Guide

Discover different types of birds on this page: Types of Birds


Great White Shark
Great white shark, one of the largest, and deadliest sharks.

Type of animal: Fish

Where found: Oceans worldwide

Sharks are a group of cartilaginous fish known for their streamlined bodies and sharp teeth. They range in size from the tiny dwarf lantern shark to the massive whale shark. As apex predators, several of the larger shark species play a vital role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems.

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Find out more about sharks on this page: Shark Facts

Discover different types of sharks on this page: Types of Sharks


Brown Throated Three Toed Sloth
Brown Throated Three Toed Sloth

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Central and South America

Sloths are slow-moving arboreal mammals known for their slow movement and hanging upside-down in trees. They have a slow metabolism and can sleep up to 20 hours a day. Their long claws aid them in clinging to branches, and their diet primarily consists of leaves.

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You can see every living sloth species on this page: Types Of Sloths With Pictures And Facts

Brown-Throated Sloth Facts, Bradypus Variegatus Species Guide


Prairie Rattlesnake
Prairie Rattlesnake

Type of animal: Reptile

Where found: Worldwide (except some islands, polar regions, and high altitudes)

Snakes are long, legless reptiles known for their flexible jaws that allow them to swallow prey larger than their heads. They come in various sizes and colors, and while some species are venomous, many are harmless to humans.

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You can find out more about snakes on this page: Snake Facts

Discover different types of snakes on this page: Types of Snakes


wolf spider
Wolf spider

Type of animal: Arachnid

Where found: Worldwide

Spiders are eight-legged arachnids known for spinning intricate webs to catch prey. They possess spinnerets that produce silk, and many species have venomous fangs for subduing their prey.

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You can find out more about arachnids on this page: Arachnids – The Ultimate Guide

Sydney Funnel-Web Spider Facts

Redback Spider Facts

Mexican Redknee Tarantula Facts


American Red Squirrel Rodent
American red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa

Squirrels are a family (Sciuridae) of small to medium-sized rodents. Tree squirrels are agile climbers with bushy tails, often seen scurrying up trees. Ground squirrels, which include chipmunks and marmots, live on the ground and dig burrows.

Squirrels primarily feed on nuts and seeds and are known to bury their food for later consumption.

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You can find out more about rodents on this page: Rodents – The Ultimate Guide


Siberian or Amur Tiger
The tiger is the largest member of the cat family

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Asia

The tiger is the largest member of the cat family, Felidae. This endangered animal is known for its distinctive orange coat with black stripes.

A solitary hunter, the tiger preys on a variety of mid to large-sized animals including deer and wild boar.

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You can see EVERY species of cat on this page: Wild Cats Species List with Pictures and Facts

Tiger Facts, Pictures, Video & In-Depth Information. Discover The Largest Member of the Cat Family


Common Toad
Common Toad

Type of animal: Amphibian

Where found: Worldwide, except polar regions, deserts, and some islands

Toads are amphibians that resemble frogs but generally have drier, bumpier skin. They tend to be more terrestrial than frogs and have poison glands behind their eyes which deter predators.

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You can find out more about amphibians on this page: Amphibians – The Ultimate Guide

You can discover more amphibians on this page: Amphibians Examples


Brown Trout
Brown Trout

Type of animal: Fish

Where found: Freshwater habitats in North America, Europe, and Asia

Trout are a group of freshwater fish closely related to salmon. They are popular sport fish and are known for their sleek bodies and often colorful patterns, which vary among species.

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You can find out more about fish on this page: Fish – The Ultimate Guide

Discover different types of fish on this page: Types of Fish


Western, or Ornate Box Turtle
Ornate Box Turtle

Type of animal: Reptile

Where found: Worldwide

Turtles are a group of reptiles with a bony shell that shields them from predators. They are adapted to both aquatic and terrestrial environments, and their diet ranges from herbivorous to carnivorous, depending on the species.

There are two main turtle groups: Pleurodira (the “side necked turtles”) and Cryptodira (the “hidden necked turtles”).

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Discover different types of turtles on this page: Types of Turtles


wasp - an invertebrate

Type of animal: Insect

Where found: Worldwide

Wasps are flying insects known for their slender bodies and often painful stings. They play essential roles in ecosystems as pollinators and predators of other insects. Some species are solitary, while others, like yellow jackets, live in colonies.

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You can find out more about insects on this page: Insects – The Ultimate Guide


Humpback Whale
The humpback whale is known for its distinctive song.

Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Oceans worldwide

Whales are large marine mammals that belong to a group of aquatic mammals known as cetaceans (also in this group are dolphins and porpoises). Whales range in size from the dwarf sperm whale to the blue whale, the largest animal ever known to have existed.

Whales can be categorized into two groups: toothed whales, which hunt for fish or squid, and baleen whales, which filter-feed on small organisms like krill. They are known for their complex vocalizations, especially the humpback whale’s song, and many species undertake long migrations between feeding and breeding grounds.

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Discover all living species of whales on this page: All Whale Species with Pictures & Facts



Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: North America, Europe, Asia

Wolves are the largest members of the Canidae family. They are pack animals, known for their complex social structures and hierarchies. They communicate using vocalizations, body language, and scent marking. Wolves are apex predators that primarily feed on large ungulates.

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You can see EVERY species of dog on this page: Wild Dog Species List with Pictures and Facts

Gray Wolf Facts, Pictures & Information. Discover One Of The World’s Best-Known Predators

Eurasian Wolf Facts



Type of animal: Mammal

Where found: Africa

Zebras are wild members of the horse family, Equidae, known for their distinctive black and white striped coats. Their patterns are unique to each individual, much like human fingerprints. Zebras live in various habitats, from savannas to grasslands, and often form large herds.

There are three living zebra species: Grévy’s zebra, plains zebra, and mountain zebra.

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Plains Zebra Facts, Pictures & Information

Zebra Facts

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Visit our main animals page for links to animal information and a complete guide to the animal kingdom: Animals

Discover amazing animals from all around the world: Animals Around The World

Discover animals from different habitats on this page: Animal Habitats

You can find out more about the different types of animals on this page: Types of Animals

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