There are so many reasons to love the Met Gala and to be excited about this year’s event, in particular. (Specified dress codes such as “gilded glamour” and “white tie;” hosts such as Blake and Ryan; a return to the traditional first-Monday-of-May timing.) That said, what I find most intoxicating about the annual, star-studded gathering is that the hair and makeup play just as important of a part in a celebrity’s chosen ensemble as the fashion does—and really, the more ethereal and outlandish, the better.

After a couple of years of cancellations and postponements, we’re excited to be back to some normalcy, and this year’s theme, In America: An Anthology of Fashion, has us champing at the bit. Click here for a deep dive into the theme’s meaning and other important-to-know details, but with the aforementioned dress code specifications and the highlighted time period of the Gilded Age of New York—aka the period between 1870 to 1890—it’s sure to be a feast for fashion and beauty lovers alike. Keep scrolling, and hang on to your hats—the best can’t-miss hair, makeup, and beauty moments from the 2022 Met Gala are just below.

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